Haiku Round-up #3

Time for another round-up of my recent haiku! (Here is an explanation about why I’ve been writing and posting haiku.)

A day for walking,
but I sit and try to work.
My thoughts are so slow.

Cats watch the birds cry.
A window divides their worlds,
but watching is fun.

Clouds whiten the sky,
swaddling snug and restrictive,
the arms of autumn.

Cold drives off the bugs.
We shiver, but no bug bites
afflict our bonfire.

Brisk air on my arms.
Colder days come, and the dark,
but this day: fresh, calm.

The chilly blue skies
make the world bright as summer.
Leaves, trees, flowers, friends.

Colder than it looks.
The wind sways me with the trees.
So hard to stay still.

The leaves keep blowing,
tethered to branches and trunk,
brought short by their leash.

Dry leaves, restless wind,
all these things I’ve seen before,
trapped in recurrence.

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