Obama and Chavez: "Hombres del Fuego"

I knew Fox News was bad and wasn’t even really an actual journalistic television station, but this? Damn!

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5 Responses to Obama and Chavez: "Hombres del Fuego"

  1. 1
    Chris says:

    Fox News = Fan Fiction? BRILLIANT.

  2. 2
    Susan says:

    I knew Fox News was bad and wasn’t even really an actual journalistic television station, but this? Damn!

    Brilliant sarcasm and great comedy, but I don’t understand your comments. Fox is not journalistic, but the Comedy Channel is COMEDY! Brilliant editorial comedy.

  3. 3
    Jack Stephens says:

    Fox is not journalistic, but the Comedy Channel is COMEDY!

    Sounds like you did get my comment…

  4. 4
    chingona says:

    I liked the little American flag.

  5. 5
    xmabaitx says:

    “Do you think they touched weiners?”
    Fox News = my new source for politically charged homo-eroticism.
    Mmm… masarap.