In the Supreme Court of the United States
Counsel of Record |
First City Tower |
1001 Fannin St., |
Suite 2500 |
Trammell Crow Center |
Houston, TX 77002 |
2001 Ross Ave., |
(713) |
Suite 3700 |
Dallas, TX 75201 |
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[Additional Counsel Listed On Inside Cover]
2200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 500 West
Washington, DC 20037 (202)
Page |
Table of Authorities ................................................... |
II |
Interest of Amici Curiae ............................................. |
1 |
Summary of Argument ............................................... |
7 |
Argument .................................................................... |
9 |
A. “Mismatch” Hypothesis In Brief ......................... |
10 |
B. Sander’s “Mismatch” Research Does Not |
Represent A Consensus In Social Science.......... |
12 |
C. The “Mismatch” Research Violates Basic |
Principles Of Causal Inference ........................... |
16 |
1. The Evidence ................................................... |
17 |
2. Research Principles For Causal Inference..... |
18 |
3. Methodological Flaws ..................................... |
19 |
a. Invalid Comparisons................................... |
20 |
b. Adjusting For |
Characteristics............................................ |
22 |
c. The Effect Of |
24 |
D. |
“Mismatch” .......................................................... |
25 |
Conclusion................................................................. |
28 |
II |
Cases: |
Page(s) |
Grutter v. Bollinger, |
539 U.S. 328 (2003)........................................ |
7, 9, 10 |
Daubert v. Merrill Dow Pharm., |
509 U.S. 579 (1993)................................................ |
16 |
Regents of Univ. of Cal. v. Bakke, |
438 U.S. 265 (1978)................................................. |
9 |
Miscellaneous: |
Sigal Alon & Marta Tienda, Assessing the |
“Mismatch” Hypothesis: Differences in |
College Graduation Rates by Institutional |
Selectivity, 78 Soc. Educ. 294 (2005)..................... |
14 |
William G. Bowen et. al, Crossing the Finish |
Line: Completing College at America’s |
Public Universities (Princeton Univ. Press |
2011)....................................................................... |
16 |
William G. Bowen & Derek Bok, The Shape |
of the River (Princeton Univ. Press 2000)............. |
16 |
Ian Ayres & Richard Brooks, Does Affirmative |
Action Reduce the Number of Black |
Lawyers?, 57 Stan. L. Rev. 1807 (2005) ................ |
12 |
Gregory Camilli et al., The Mismatch |
Hypotheses in Law School Admissions, |
2 Widener J.L. Econ. & Race 165 (2011) .............. |
12 |
David L. Chambers et al., The Real Impact |
of Eliminating Affirmative Action in |
American Law Schools: An Empirical |
Critique of Richard Sander’s Study, |
57 Stan. L. Rev. 1855 (2005) ............................. |
9, 12 |
Page(s) |
Kalena E. Cortes, Do Bans on Affirmative |
Action Hurt Minority Students? Evidence |
from the Texas 10% Plan, 29 Econ. of |
Educ. Rev. 1110 (2010) .......................................... |
14 |
Stacy Berg Dale & Alan B. Krueger, |
Estimating the Payoff to Attending a |
More Selective College: An Application |
of Selection on Observables and |
Unobservables, 117 Q.J. of Econ. 1491 |
(2002)...................................................................... |
26 |
Stacy Dale & Alan B. Krueger, Estimating |
the Return to College Selectivity over the |
Career Using Administrative Earnings |
Data (Nat’l Bureau of Econ. Research, |
Working Paper No. 17159, June 2011), |
available at |
w17159 ............................................................. |
Michele Landis Dauber, The Big Muddy, |
57 Stan L. Rev. 1899 (2005) .................................. |
12 |
Rogers Elliott et al., The Role of Ethnicity in |
Choosing and Leaving Science in Highly |
Selective Institutions, 37 Res. in Higher |
Educ. 681 (1996) .................................................... |
10 |
Mary J. Fischer & Douglas S. Massey, The |
Effects of Affirmative Action in Higher |
Education, 36 Soc. Sci. Res. 531 (2007) ................ |
14 |
Constantine Frankgakis & Donald B. Rubin, |
Principal Stratification in Causal |
Inference, 58 Biometrics 21 (2002) ........................ |
23 |
IV |
Page(s) |
Andrew Gelman and Jennifer Hill, Data |
Analysis Using Regression and |
Multilevel/Hierarchical Models |
(Cambridge Univ. Press 2007) .............................. |
22 |
Cheryl I. Harris & William C. Kidder, The |
Black Student Mismatch Myth in Legal |
Education: The Systemic Flaws in |
Richard Sander’s Affirmative Action |
Study, J. Blacks Higher Educ. (2005)............. |
Daniel E. Ho, Affirmative Action’s |
Affirmative Actions: A Reply to Sander, |
114 Yale L.J. 2011 (2005) ...................................... |
13 |
Daniel E. Ho, Why Affirmative Action Does |
Not Cause Black Students to Fail the Bar, |
114 Yale L.J. 1997 (2005) ................................ |
13, 25 |
Daniel E. Ho et al., Matching as Nonparametric Preprocessing for Reducing Model Dependence
in Parametric Causal Inference, |
15 Pol. Analysis 199 (2007) ............................. |
Paul W. Holland, Statistics and Causal |
Inference, 81 J. Am. Stat. Ass’n 945 (1986) .......... |
18 |
Guido W. Imbens & Donald B. Rubin, Causal |
Inference in Statistics and Social Sciences |
(forthcoming Cambridge Univ. Press 2012) ... |
19, 22 |
Thomas J. Kane, Racial and Ethnic |
Preferences in College Admissions, |
59 Ohio St. L.J. 971 (1998).................................... |
14 |
Mark C. Long, College Quality and Early |
Adult Outcomes, 27 Econ. of Educ. Rev. |
588 (2008)......................................................... |
V |
Page(s) |
Tatiana Melguizo, Are Students of Color |
More Likely to Graduate from College if |
They Attend More Selective Institutions? |
Evidence from a Cohort of Recipients and |
Nonrecipients of the Gates Millennium |
Scholarship (GMS) Program, 32 Educ. |
Eval. & Pol’y Analysis 230 (2010) ......................... |
15 |
Tatiana Melguizo, Quality Matters: Assessing |
the Impact of Attending More Selective |
Institutions on College Completion Rates of |
Minorities, 49 Res. Higher Educ. 214 (2008) |
........15 |
Beverly I. Moran, The Case for Black |
Inferiority? What Must Be True if |
Professor Sander Is Right: A Response to |
A Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action |
in American Law Schools, 5 Conn. Pub. |
Int. L.J. 41 (2005)................................................... |
13 |
Angela |
Class, Classes, and Classic |
What’s in a Definition?, 88 Denv. U.L. Rev. |
807 (2011)............................................................... |
13 |
Paul R. Rosenbaum, The Consequences of |
Adjustment for a Concomitant Variable |
That Has Been Affected by the Treatment, |
147 J. Royal Stat. Soc’y Series A (Gen.) |
656 (1984)......................................................... |
Jesse Rothstein & Albert Yoon, Affirmative |
Action in Law School Admissions: What |
Do Racial Preferences Do?, |
75 U. Chi. L. Rev. 649 (2008) ................................ |
15 |
Donald B. Rubin, Bayesian Inference for |
Causal Effects: The Role of Randomization, |
6 Annals of Stat. 34, 38 (1978) .............................. |
18 |
Donald B. Rubin, Causal Inference Through |
Potential Outcomes and Principal |
Stratification: Applications to Studies with |
‘Censoring’ Due to Death, 21 Stat. Sci. 299 |
(2006)...................................................................... |
23 |
Donald B. Rubin, The Design Versus the |
Analysis of Observational Studies for |
Causal Effects: Parallels with the Design |
of Randomized Trials, 26 Stat. in Med. 20 |
(2007)...................................................................... |
19 |
Donald B. Rubin, Estimating Causal Effects |
of Treatments in Randomized and |
Nonrandomized Studies, 66 J. Educ. |
Psychol. 688 (1974) ................................................ |
19 |
Donald B. Rubin, For Objective Causal |
Inference, Design Trumps Analysis, |
2 Annals Applied Stat. 808 (2008) ........................ |
19 |
Richard H. Sander, A Systemic Analysis of |
Affirmative Action in American Law |
Schools, 57 Stan. L. Rev. 367 (2004)............. |
passim |
Richard H. Sander, Mismeasuring the |
Mismatch: A Response to Ho, |
114 Yale L.J. 2005 (2005) ................................ |
Page(s) |
Richard H. Sander & Jane Yakowitz |
Bambauer, The Secret of My Success: How |
Status, Prestige and School Performance |
Shape Legal Careers (UCLA School of Law |
Research Paper No. |
available at |
papers.cfm?abstract_id=1640058.......................... |
24 |
Richard Sander & Roger Bolus, Do Credential Gaps in College Reduce the Number of Minority Science Graduates? (Project SEAPHE Working Paper, July 2009), available at
papers/)............................................................. |
Mario L. Small & Christopher Winship, |
Black Students’ Graduation from Elite |
Colleges: Institutional Characteristics and |
36 Soc. Sci. Res. 1257 (2007) ................................. |
15 |
U.S. News and World Report Best Law Schools, |
2012)....................................................................... |
21 |
Linda F. Wightman, User’s Guide: LSAC |
National Longitudinal Data File (1999)............... |
21 |
Doug Williams, Does Affirmative Action |
Create Educational Mismatches in Law |
Schools? (Working Paper, Apr. 2009), |
available at |
ERID/ Williams.pdf) ...................................... |
passim |
Junni Zhang & Donald B. Rubin, Estimation |
of Causal Effects via Principal Stratification |
When Some Outcomes Are Truncated by |
‘Death,’ 28 J. Educ. & Behav. Stat. 353 |
(2003)...................................................................... |
23 |
Amici curiae are leaders in the field of quantitative social science and statistical methodology. They file this brief in order to point out to the Court the substantial methodological flaws in the research discussed in the Brief Amici Curiae for Richard Sander and Stuart Taylor, Jr. in Support of Neither Party. Based on over 255 collective years of
Guido Imbens is a Professor at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. He had held positions in the Economics Departments at UC Berkeley, UCLA, and Harvard University before joining Stanford in 2012. Professor Imbens’s work has been supported by the National Science Foundation and he is a fellow of both the Econometric Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Imbens’s primary field of interest is econometrics, and he has conducted influential research on a broad range of issues throughout the social sciences, greatly improving social scientists’ ability to assess the causal effects of interventions from both field and experimental data. He also works with governments and policy institutions on
1 No counsel for a party authored this brief in whole or part, and no counsel or party made a monetary contribution to fund the preparation or submission of this brief. No person other than the amici curiae and their counsel made any monetary contribution to its preparation and submission. The parties have consented to this filing.
designing and evaluating economic policy interventions in areas such as education and labor. Along with Professor Rubin, he is
Donald B. Rubin is the John L. Loeb Professor of Statistics at Harvard University, where he served as chairman for 13 years of three decades there as full Professor of Statistics. He has authored over 350 publications (including several books), including pioneering work on causal inference in experiments and observational studies. His publications have generated well over 100,000 citations. Rubin is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association, the Institute for Mathematical Statistics, the International Statistical Institute, the Woodrow Wilson Society, the John Simon Guggenheim Society, the New York Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He is also the recipient of four of the most prestigious awards available to statisticians: the Samuel S. Wilks Medal of the American Statistical Association, the Parzen Prize for Statistical Innovation, the Fisher Lectureship, and the George W. Snedecor Award of the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies. He is an Elected Member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and an Elected Fellow of the British Academy. Furthermore, he is the recipient of many other awards and honors, such as an Honorary Doctorate from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Otto Friedrich University, Bamberg Germany.
Gary King is the Albert J. Weatherhead III University Professor at Harvard
Richard A. Berk is a Professor of Statistics and Criminology at the University of Pennsylvania, where he has appointments in the Department of Statistics in the Wharton School and in the Department of Criminology in the School of Arts and Sciences. He was previously a Distinguished Professor of Statistics at UCLA, a Professor of Statistics and Sociology at UC Santa Barbara, and a Professor of Sociology at Northwestern University. He has held visiting appointments at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris in the Department of Earth, Atmosphere and
Oceans, and with the Statistics Group of the Los Alamos National Laboratories. He has authored over 190 publications (among them 15 books), including highly respected work on causal inference, regression analysis, machine learning, and forecasting. Professor Berk has been elected to the Sociological Research Association, and is an Elected Fellow to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Statistical Association, and the Academy of Experimental Criminology. He has received the Paul S. Lazarsfeld Award for methodological contributions from the American Sociological Association. He is a founding editor of The Evaluation Review, a journal of applied social research. Professor Berk received his BA from Yale University and his Ph.D. from The Johns Hopkins University.
Daniel E. Ho is a Professor of Law and the Robert E. Paradise Faculty Fellow for Excellence in Teaching and Research at Stanford Law School, where he teaches statistics and administrative law. His scholarship centers on quantitative empirical legal studies, and he holds a J.D. from Yale Law School and a Ph.D. in political science from Harvard University. He was the Maurice R. Greenberg Visiting Professor of Law at Yale Law School and a Visiting Professor of Law at New York University School of Law. His work has been supported by the National Science Foundation, and his work has been awarded numerous prizes, including the Warren Miller Prize (for an article on causal inference), awarded to the best paper published in Political Analysis. He currently serves as President of the Society for Empirical Legal Studies.
Kevin M. Quinn is a Professor of Law at the UC Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall). Previously, he served as Associate Professor of Government at Harvard University, and as Assistant Professor of Political Science and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of Washington. Quinn has written extensively on statistical methodology, and he teaches courses on applied statistics and empirical legal studies. He is a
D. James “Jim” Greiner is a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. He holds a J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School and a Ph.D. in Statistics from Harvard University. His research focuses on the development of rigorous quantitative methods, with a particular focus on causal inference in observational and experimental settings. His work has been widely published in law reviews (such as the Harvard Law Review and the Yale Law Journal), as well as in
Ian Ayres is the William K. Townsend Professor at Yale Law School, the Anne Urowsky Professorial Fellow in Law, and a Professor at Yale’s School of Management. Ian has published 11 books and over 100 articles on a wide range of topics, including leading work in empirical legal studies. In 2006, he
was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Professor Ayres has been ranked as one of the most prolific and
Richard Brooks is the Leighton Homer Surbeck Professor of Law at Yale Law School. His scholarship centers on law and economics, often involving empirical components. He holds a J.D. from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in economics from UC Berkeley. He previously taught at Cornell University and Northwestern University.
Paul Oyer is the Fred. H. Merrill Professor of Economics at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, where he teaches the core Human Resources Management class in the MBA program as well as a Ph.D. class in Personnel Economics. Before moving to Stanford in 2000, he was on the faculty of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. In his
Richard Lempert is the Eric Stein Distinguished University Professor of Law & Sociology, emeritus, at
the University of Michigan. He is the former Chair of the University of Michigan’s Department of Sociology and a past president of the Law and Society Association. He holds a J.D. and Ph.D. (sociology) from the University of Michigan. He served as Division Director for the Social and Economic Sciences at the National Science Foundation and as Chief Scientist in the Human Factors/Behavioral Science Division in the Science and Technology Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security. He also served as Chair of the National Research Council (the research arm of the National Academy of Science) Standing Committee on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice (now Committee on Law and Justice). Professor Lempert is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Secretary of Section K (Sociology, Economics and Political Science) of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. And he has published numerous articles in law reviews and
In Grutter v. Bollinger, this Court held that a state has a compelling interest in attaining a diverse student body for the benefit of all students, and that this compelling interest justifies the consideration of race as a factor in university admissions. See 539 U.S. 306, 325, 328 (2003). In this, the latest case to consider the constitutionality of
science research has shown affirmative action to be harmful to minority students. See Brief Amici Curiae for Richard Sander and Stuart Taylor, Jr. in Support of Neither Party
But, as amici will show, the principal research on which Sander and Taylor rely for their conclusion about the negative effects of affirmative action— Sander’s
2 In essence, “mismatch” is said to result when a minority student attends a more selective university than he would have without affirmative action, based upon a “very large” racial preference. The claim is that because the student’s test scores and high school or college grades indicate that he is not as academically qualified to attend the school at which he matriculates as other students, his admission there works to his detriment because “teachers would aim instruction at the median student, and those with weaker preparation would fall behind and learn less.”
Sander’s research has “significantly overestimated the costs of affirmative action and failed to demonstrate benefits from ending it.” David L. Chambers et al., The Real Impact of Affirmative Action in American Law Schools: An Empirical Critique of Richard Sander’s Study, 57 Stan. L. Rev. 1855, 1857 (2005). That research, which consists of weak empirical contentions that fail to meet the basic tenets of rigorous
This Court has held the use of narrowly tailored
their brief amici
* * * suggests that racial preferences in higher education often undermine minority achievement,” id. at 2; accord Three Commissioners Brief
A. “Mismatch” Hypothesis In Brief
Although Sander was not the first researcher to use the term “mismatch” in discussing the effects of
3 See Thomas Sowell, Black Education: Myths and Tragedies
(David McKay 1972); Rogers Elliott, A. Christopher Strenta, Russell Adair, Michael Matier, and Jannah Scott, The Role of Ethnicity in Choosing and Leaving Science in Highly Selective Institutions, 37 Res. in Higher Educ. 681 (1996).
work, Sander argues that when a minority student attends a college or graduate school as a result of
Mismatch research is premised on a series of causal inferences. For example, the mismatch hypothesis is that
(Project SEAPHE Working Paper, July 2009),
available at
B.Sander’s “Mismatch” Research Does Not Represent A Consensus In Social Science
Since the initial publication of his “mismatch” article, Sander’s work has been subject to wide- ranging criticism for its methodological flaws. See, e.g., Ian Ayres & Richard Brooks, Does Affirmative Action Reduce the Number of Black Lawyers?, 57 Stan. L. Rev. 1807, 1809 (2005) (“[E]ven within his [Sander’s] framework, there is not persuasive evidence indicating that affirmative action is responsible for lowering the number of black attorneys.”); Gregory Camilli et al., The Mismatch Hypotheses in Law School Admissions, 2 Widener J.L. Econ. & Race 165, 207 (2011) (“[T]his study has shown that regression analyses of the kind conducted by Sander are incapable of producing credible estimates of causal effects.”); Chambers et al., supra, at 1857 (“The conclusions in Systemic Analysis rest on a series of statistical errors, oversights, and implausible assumptions.”); Michele Landis Dauber, The Big Muddy, 57 Stan L. Rev. 1899, 1902 (2005) (“Unfortunately, Sander has muddied rather than clarified the waters with a flawed and ultimately misleading contribution.”); Cheryl I. Harris &
William C. Kidder, The Black Student Mismatch Myth in Legal Education: The Systemic Flaws in Richard Sander’s Affirmative Action Study, J. Blacks Higher Educ. (2005) (“Regrettably, Sander significantly underestimates the harms of ending affirmative action, and seriously overestimates the benefits of ending affirmative action. Even his own data do not support the mismatch hypothesis.”); Daniel E. Ho, Why Affirmative Action Does Not Cause Black Students to Fail the Bar, 114 Yale L.J. 1997, 1997 (2005) (“[T]he [Sander] study draws internally inconsistent and empirically invalid conclusions about the effects of affirmative action. Correcting the assumptions and testing the hypothesis directly shows that for similarly qualified black students, attending a
Affirmative Action’s Affirmative Actions: A Reply to Sander, 114 Yale L.J. 2011, 2011 (2005) (“[T]he
Class in American Legal Education.”).
The hallmark of reliable empirical work is that it can be validated by other researchers. A wide array of social scientists have studied the impact of elite educational institutions on student outcomes, reaching conclusions directly contrary to those of mismatch. See, e.g., Sigal Alon & Marta Tienda,
Assessing the “Mismatch” Hypothesis: Differences in College Graduation Rates by Institutional Selectivity, 78 Soc. Educ. 294, 309 (2005) (“Minority students’ likelihood of graduation increases as the selectivity of the institution attended rises.”); Kalena E. Cortes, Do Bans on Affirmative Action Hurt Minority Students? Evidence from the Texas 10% Plan, 29 Econ. Educ. Rev. 1110, 1122 (2010) (“[R]esults from the analysis run counter to the ‘mismatch’ hypothesis, which would have predicted both higher retention and college graduation rates for these
The Effects of Affirmative Action in Higher Education, 36 Soc. Sci. Res. 531, 544 (2007) (“If anything[,] minority students who benefited from affirmative action earned higher grades and left school at lower rates than others, and they expressed neither greater nor less satisfaction with college life in general.”); Thomas J. Kane, Racial and Ethnic Preferences in College Admissions, 59 Ohio St. L.J. 971, 991 (1998) (“[E]ven if a student’s characteristics are held constant, attendance at a more selective institution is associated with higher earnings and higher college completion rates for minority students as well as white and other
(“[C]ollege quality does appear to have positive signi•cant effects on most of the outcomes studied
* * *.”); Tatiana Melguizo, Quality Matters: Assessing the Impact of Attending More Selective Institutions on College Completion Rates of Minorities, 49 Res. Higher Educ. 214, 232 (2008) (“[M]inorities bene•t from attending the most elite institutions.”); Tatiana Melguizo, Are Students of Color More Likely to Graduate from College If They Attend More Selective Institutions? Evidence from the First Cohort of Recipients and Nonrecipients of the Gates Millennium Scholarship (GMS) Program, 32 Educ. Eval. & Pol’y Analysis 230, 244 (2010) (“The results of this study suggest that the probability of attaining a bachelor’s degree increases [for minority students] with the selectivity of the institution attended.”); Jesse Rothstein and Albert Yoon, Affirmative Action in Law School Admissions: What Do Racial Preferences Do?, 75 U. Chi. L. Rev. 649, 707 (2008) (“Even overstating mismatch effects and understating the importance of preferences to enrollment, the effects of eliminating mismatch are dwarfed by the
effects in the [Bar Passage Study].”); see also William G. Bowen & Derek Bok, The Shape of the River 259 (Princeton Univ. Press 2000) (“[T]he more selective the college attended, the lower the black dropout rate.”); William G. Bowen et. al, Crossing the Finish Line: Completing College at America’s Public Universities 210 (Princeton Univ. Press 2011) (“There is certainly no evidence that black men were ‘harmed’ by going to the more selective universities that chose to admit them. In fact, the evidence available strongly suggests that students in general, including black students, are generally well advised to enroll at the most challenging university that will accept them.”).
In short, those relying on mismatch research mischaracterize the state of
For clarity, amici will explain why the research on which mismatch rests is dubious.
C.The “Mismatch” Research Violates Basic Principles Of Causal Inference
The chief empirical research offered by the
4 Indeed, were this a district court proceeding, mismatch research should not pass the core Daubert tests of surviving peer review and being generally accepted by experts in the field. See generally Daubert v. Merrill Dow Pharm., 509 U.S. 579 (1993).
hurts minority students who attend school under such programs.5 Attending a more elite school does not appear to cause those students harm.
1. The Evidence
Although mismatch has been discussed in a variety of contexts, Sander posits that the law school setting is “uniquely appropriate for studying the mismatch effect,” because, unlike in other higher- education settings, the bar exam is “more or less [a] uniform test[] taken by graduates to measure their legal learning.”
5 This proposition is counterintuitive because it would imply that the very fact of giving minority students extra options, by admitting them to more selective institutions, harms them, and that these students would personally benefit from being prevented from attending such institutions. It rests on the presumption that these students are themselves not good judges of what is in their interest, and that given the option of attending a more selective institution they would fail to make the “right” choice of attending the less selective institution.
Analysis of Affirmative Action, supra, at
2. Research Principles For Causal Inference
A causal effect is the difference between two “potential outcomes.” For example, a law student may have one potential outcome of career trajectory if he attended a
Bayesian Inference for Causal Effects: The Role of Randomization, 6 Annals of Stat. 34, 38 (1978). Causal inference thereby always involves estimating the counterfactual outcome with observed data, e.g., how the student at a
19 |
students who are |
similar in |
characteristics (e.g., ability), but are randomly assigned to different tier schools. Because the two experimental groups would differ only in tier of school attended, differences in the outcomes for the two groups would provide a valid estimate of the causal effect of law school tier. See generally Guido W. Imbens & Donald B. Rubin, Causal Inference in Statistics and Social Sciences (forthcoming Cambridge Univ. Press 2012); Donald B. Rubin, For Objective Causal Inference, Design Trumps Analysis, 2 Annals Applied Stat. 808 (2008); Donald B. Rubin,
The Design Versus the Analysis of Observational Studies for Causal Effects: Parallels with the Design of Randomized Trials, 26 Stat. in Med. 20 (2007); Donald B. Rubin, Estimating Causal Effects of Treatments in Randomized and Nonrandomized Studies, 66 J. Educ. Psychol. 688 (1974).
Although actually conducting such an experiment is obviously infeasible, the experimental model highlights the primary task of research with data in which students have not been randomly assigned. Specifically, to draw a causal inference, researchers should generate (a) comparison groups that are (b) as similar as possible in
3. Methodological Flaws
The Sander empirical evidence consists of “regression analysis” that predicts bar passage for all students that graduated law school with the variables
of undergraduate GPA, LSAT score, gender, race, law school tier, and law school GPA. See Sander, A Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action, supra, at
That inference is invalid for three reasons: a. Invalid Comparisons
As to the broad claim about the causal effect of affirmative action, the current analyses are simply uninformative. All the schools in the
Moreover, the primary comparison that Sander and Williams employ is that of black and white students. See Richard H. Sander, Mismeasuring the Mismatch: A Response to Ho, 114 Yale L.J. 2005, 2006 (2005) (“The entire [Sander Stanford Law Review] paper is organized around a comparison of
6 The extent of preferential admissions may of course vary by school, and capitalizing on these differences may provide one approach to assess different types of implementations of
‘treatment’ blacks * * * and ‘control’ whites * * *.”); Williams, supra, at 18 (“[O]ne approach is to use black as a proxy for being negatively mismatched and white as a proxy for being matched.”). This comparison assumes that black students at selective institutions would have fared similarly to white students at
7 Using Yale Law School and the University of Alabama Law School is consistent with the Sander and Williams coding of the first two tiers of law schools, although no specific schools are ever disclosed in the data. The LSAC Bar Passage Study clusters anonymized schools based on factors such as cost, size, selectivity, faculty/student ratio, percent minority, and average LSAT and undergraduate GPA. See Linda F. Wightman, User’s Guide: LSAC National Longitudinal Data File 8 (1999). Sander reorders these clusters by the median entering credentials of white students to create a tier system. Sander, A Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action, supra, at 416. Sander’s top tier includes 16 schools that “are the most selective and the most expensive” with “the highest UGPAs and LSAT scores.” Wightman, supra, at 16; Sander, A Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action, supra, at 430. Sander’s second tier includes “14 large, highly selective law schools that enroll student bodies that have UGPAs and LSAT scores that are among the highest in the country.” Wightman, supra, at 16; Sander, A Systemic Analysis of Affirmative Action, supra, at 430. Using the current U.S. News and World Report rankings (not tiers), Yale would likely be a
creating groups that are comparable in all pre- existing respects except for
b. Adjusting For
Proper research design requires that we compare students with similar
Adjustment for a Concomitant Variable That Has Been Affected by the Treatment, 147 J. Royal Sta. Soc’y Series A (Gen.) 656 (1984).8
Suppose, for example, that we conducted the ideal experiment, randomizing 200 students to attend selective and
Adjusting for such outcomes (rather than pre-
8 Principled methods for addressing these issues exist. For accounting for intermediate outcomes, see Constantine Frankgakis & Donald B. Rubin, Principal Stratification in Causal Inference, 58 Biometrics 21 (2002). For accounting for law school students that do not graduate, see Junni Zhang & Donald B. Rubin, Estimation of Causal Effects via Principal Stratification When Some Outcomes Are Truncated by ‘Death,’ 28 J. Educ. & Behav. Stat. 353 (2003); Donald B. Rubin, Causal Inference Through Potential Outcomes and Principal Stratification: Applications to Studies with ‘Censoring’ Due to Death, 21 Stat. Sci. 299 (2006).
existing characteristics), as the Sander studies do, contaminates inferences about the causal effect of
c. The Effect Of
The credibility of a causal inference depends on the credibility of the assumptions. One natural way forward with the
affect bar performance invalidates the estimates. If the Yale Law student, for example, is already predisposed to taking the bar in a jurisdiction with a tougher exam such as California or New York, the assumption is violated, and the researcher would draw an inappropriate inference about the effect of
Research that applies these principles has not found any substantially and statistically significant effects on bar passage.9 See Ho, Why Affirmative Action Does Not Cause Black Students to Fail the Bar, supra, at
It is possible to avoid the rather basic methodological problems underlying the mismatch research. To that end, amici draw this Court’s attention to examples of recent research that employ
Stacy Dale and Alan Krueger have employed careful methodology in two papers examining the return from college selectivity over a student’s
9 Without proper research design,
subsequent career. The first study was published a decade ago, Estimating the Payoff to Attending a More Selective College: An Application of Selection on Observables and Unobservables, 117 Q.J. Econ. 1491 (2002). In 2011, Dale and Krueger returned to the topic in Estimating the Return to College Selectivity over the Career Using Administrative Earnings Data
(Nat’l Bureau of Econ. Research Working Paper No. 17159, June 2011), available at papers/w17159.
In the recent work, they utilize tax data to examine the earnings of students who attended college in both 1976 and 1989. The Dale and Krueger model considers the college the student attended, conventional characteristics, a plausible measure of what is typically unobserved (ability and motivation), and the monetary payoff of attending a more selective college against the student’s actual earnings. See Dale & Krueger 2011, supra, at
In both studies, Dale and Krueger examine characteristics that are commonly used as proxies for college quality (average SAT score, the Barron’s index, and net tuition). They also adjust for certain “unobservable factors” by using a
education; for these subgroups, our estimates remain large, even in models that adjust for [typically] unobserved student characteristics.” Id. at 5. In other words, the Dale and Krueger research
They conclude their paper by mentioning the caveats of their work, most notably that their analysis does not pertain to a nationally representative sample of schools and that their
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Whether one finds Sander’s conclusions highly unlikely or intuitively appealing, his “mismatch” research fails to satisfy the basic standards of good empirical
In light of the many methodological problems with the underlying research, amici curiae respectfully request that the Court reject Sander’s “mismatch” research discussed in the Brief Amici Curiae for Richard Sander and Stuart Taylor, Jr.
Respectfully submitted,
Counsel of Record |
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