Category Archives: Prisons and Justice and Police

Why I doubt that “63 percent of young men between the ages of 11 and 20 who are imprisoned for homicide have killed their mothers’ batterers.”

I’m posting this here on “Alas” so that, two or three years from now, when I run into this statistic again and think “oh, yeah, I wrote a thing on that, didn’t I?” I can search for here it and … Continue reading

Posted in Prisons and Justice and Police, Rape, intimate violence, & related issues | Comments Off  

Must-Read Jamelle Bouie Article On The Decades-Old Context For Ferguson

Ferguson protests over Michael Brown won’t end soon: The black community’s anger is rooted in a history of racism. This longish (well, longer than a blog post) article by Jamelle Bouie, about the long history of official racism in Ferguson, … Continue reading

Posted in In the news, police brutality, Prisons and Justice and Police, Race, racism and related issues | Comments Off  

A quick note on Michael Brown’s death and “plausibility”

Dorian Johnson was walking with Michael Brown when they were stopped by Officer Darren Wilson. According to Johnson’s eyewitness account: …a police car pulled up alongside Brown and him, and the officer—who has been identified as Darren Wilson—allegedly told Johnson … Continue reading

Posted in In the news, police brutality, Prisons and Justice and Police, Race, racism and related issues | Comments Off  

Rob Hayes Is In Jail, And Would Like To Hear From People

(Honestly, I would rather have illustrated this post with this cartoon. But it looks like that cartoonist hates having his cartoons reproduced, so…) Several “Alas” folks have asked me if my old college friend and frequent “Alas” comment-writer Rob Hayes … Continue reading

Posted in Bob Behind Bars, Prisons and Justice and Police | Comments Off  

Study Shows Enormous Sentencing Discrepancy Against Men

A study1 by Sonja Starr, a University of Michigan law professor, shows that men receive average sentences 63% longer than women who commit similar crimes. (Notably, Starr’s sample was of the federal justice system. 59% of the crimes in the … Continue reading

Posted in Prisons and Justice and Police, Race, racism and related issues, Sexism hurts men | Comments Off  

Want Fewer Heroin Deaths And Users? Give Addicts Heroin For Free

Well, for free under very controlled circumstances. From a blog post by “M.S.” on The Economist: But we do have a good idea of how to stop more people from destroying themselves specifically with heroin injection, which has a higher … Continue reading

Posted in Health Care and Related Issues, Prisons and Justice and Police | Comments Off  

“Obama often speaks as if he is an outside observer of his own administration” (UPDATED) (UPDATED AGAIN)

*SEE UPDATE AT BOTTOM* Jacob Sullum at the libertarian site Reason nails it (UPDATE: No, he didn’t nail it. See the update at the bottom of this post): Obama at first denied that the executive branch has the power to … Continue reading

Posted in Libertarianism, Prisons and Justice and Police | Comments Off  

More on Felony Disenfranchisement, America’s Most Racist Policy

Columbia Law Professor Vivian Berger, quoted at TalkLeft, writes: These laws have a disproportionate impact on minorities — 1.4 million black men cannot vote. That is a rate of 13 percent — seven times the national average. A majority of … Continue reading

Posted in Elections and politics, Prisons and Justice and Police, Race, racism and related issues | Comments Off  

Legalizing Pot Supported By 59% Of Americans

This chart (hat tip to Kevin Drum) says it all: Mark Kleiman has some caveats, but still, this is a milestone. It won’t be long before supporting legal pot will seem so safe and mainstream that politicians will be sprinting … Continue reading

Posted in In the news, Prisons and Justice and Police | Comments Off  

Police Officer Gets Four Years In Prison For Shooting Unarmed Black Man. But The Main Culprits Go Unpunished.

This tragic story from New Orleans is unusual not because a cop shot a young Black man to death – that happens with depressing regularity – but because the cop is in prison for the shooting. On March 7 of … Continue reading

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