Character drawing from a short non-Hereville comic I’m working on

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4 Responses to Character drawing from a short non-Hereville comic I’m working on

  1. 1
    nobody.really says:

    Wow, that’s … cryptic. What’s in his hand? What kind of building is that in the background? What would keep Amp from focusing on Mirka’s sequel?

    Ok, ok, time’s scarce, I know. Still, if I knew that I had to disappoint one of my creations, I’ll simply observe that the kid in this picture doesn’t look that threatening. In particular, I see no evidence that he owns a sword. The same can’t be said of some other literary figures I know. Just sayin’….

  2. 2
    Kevin Moore says:

    He looks like someone took his football away from him. Or crashed his kite in a tree.

    Nice background.

  3. 3
    nm says:

    Awww, poor little kid.

  4. 4
    Skyborne says:

    He’s so sad! I want to hug him, even.