The problem is not the “echo chamber” phenomenon. It is the fact that reactionary information sources disseminate falsehoods about the…
Also I love the chicken fat on this one (and that the text of the chicken fat is big enough…
I don't think of myself as complaining about conservative echo chambers so much as I think political echo chamber like…
But in the current political moment, conservatives are complaining a lot about liberal “echo chambers,” which makes this the right…
Category Archives: Libertarianism
Freedom as non-interference versus Freedom as opportunity set
At Left2Right, Elizabeth Anderson has been discussing freedom; in particular, she’s been discussing two different notions of freedom. The first, “freedom as non-interference,” is the notion of freedom most Libertarians appeal to. The second, “freedom as opportunity set” – the … Continue reading
Posted in Libertarianism, Whatever
Can conservatives and libertarians be feminists?
I have trouble accepting the idea of a right-wing feminist. Partly that’s because most of the examples I’ve come across – the IWF, Christina Hoff Sommers and, for example – are so discouraging. It seems to me that to … Continue reading
Posted in Feminism, sexism, etc, Libertarianism
Libertarian Purity Test
Lots of folks have been taking this Libertarian Purity Test. I’m oddly proud to say that I scored a six out of a possible 160 – which is to say, I’m less than one-fourteenth the libertarian Will Baude is, and … Continue reading
Posted in Elections and politics, Libertarianism
The Case for Cannibalism
In City Journal, Theodore Dalrymple issues a challenge to his readers: The case raises interesting questions of principle, even for those who take the thoroughly conventional view that eating people is wrong. According to the evidence, Meiwes and Brandes were … Continue reading
Posted in Libertarianism
Major Trump donors who complained of immigrant ‘invasion’ used Mexican workers illegally