About Elon's Nazi salute, I'll again post this video, which shows Elon's salute side by side with the salute as…
The only thing a beggar provides you with is a blessing/karma, which has no economic value, although I would still…
Well, clearly at least one does. God knows Musk doesn’t have to work another day in his life and hasn’t…
"People are afraid that if they give a beggar money they’ll use it to buy drugs or booze." Yep, people…
Category Archives: Elections and politics
Cartoon: Real America vs The Coastal Elites
This strip was drawn by Becky Hawkins. Help us make more of these cartoons! A $2 pledge goes a surprisingly long way. I was a bit surprised when Becky told me she was excited about drawing this one, because – … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Elections and politics
Cartoon: Democracy is Burning
Please help me make more cartoons by supporting my Patreon! Small pledges from lots of donors is how I make my living. This is a very depressing cartoon – but it’s a thought that has been pressing down on me, … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Elections and politics
Cartoon: Message in a Bottle
Supporting my patreon helps me make more swell cartoons! This one was so much fun to draw. Drawing water is always a challenge. This time I tried to ape one of the ways Walt Kelly used to draw water in … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Elections and politics
Cartoon: We can’t do THAT! It’s MEAN!
Please support these cartoons on my Patreon! A $1 or $2 pledge really helps. I actually wrote this cartoon months ago, during the Democratic primary, out of frustration that so many Democratic Senators refuse to consider steps like ending the … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Elections and politics
Cartoon: Waving The Magic Congress Wand
If you enjoy these cartoons, please support them on Patreon. A $1 or $2 pledge really helps! This was originally drawn in February, but I never posted this cartoon outside of Patreon until today. Back in February, Covid took over, … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Elections and politics
Cartoon: The Great GOP Anti-Voting Cycle
If you like this cartoon, help me make more by supporting my Patreon. A $1 or $2 pledge really helps! I worry a lot about how Republican court-packing makes it easier for them to win elections, making it easier for … Continue reading
How Amp Voted, 2020
I got my ballot in the mail yesterday. And that means – time to vote! Time to go through the whole ballot and figure out who I want to be Circuit Court judge (4th district position 12), who should be … Continue reading
Posted in Elections and politics
Cartoon: Meet My Liberal Beliefs
If you like these cartoons, please help me make more by supporting my Patreon! There are a number of self-identified liberal or centrist democratic pundits who spend virtually all their time attacking the left – attacking Black Lives Matter, attacking … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Elections and politics
Cartoon: Why Would Anyone Think The GOP Wants To Suppress The Vote?
If you like these cartoons, please support them on my patreon! A $1 or $2 pledge really helps me out. So this cartoon was written fairly recently, ((Actually, this paragraph was written almost a month ago when I posted this … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Elections and politics
When you're defending nazi salutes, you're telling me that you're a nazi.