Some more “supporting legal immigration” news. U.S. to revoke legal status of more than a half-million migrants, urges them to…
@Jacqueline Squid Onassis: Yep, pretty much. And their public unpopularity. Protests show, if nothing else, that people are unhappy enough…
I think it's only the tremendous incompetence of Dollar Store Mussolini and those willing to work on his agenda of…
Given the first Dollar Store Mussolini administration, I don’t find that incompetence to be astonishing. At all. Yeah, but in…
Category Archives: Cartooning & comics
Cartoon: Taking Away His Incentive To Work
This cartoon is by me and Becky Hawkins. Becky writes: In some circles, Portland’s claim to fame, aside from “burned down by Antifa in 2020,” is the large number of people living on the streets. I think everyone agrees that housing … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Economics and the like
Cartoon: We Can Disagree And Still Be Friends
Here’s a link to a timelapse drawing video for this cartoon! If you watch the timelapse videos, let me know in comments if you think they’re generally a good length, or if you’d like them to be shorter or longer. I … Continue reading
Cartoon: Trump Says He’s Gonna Shoot Your Dad In The Face!
Check out the timelapse drawing video for this cartoon! You get to see me get started on drawing it, then throw everything out so I can rewrite it and start over. I saw a video which interviewed a teacher and a … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics
Cartoon: The Getting Tough on Prison Cycle
Check out the timelapse drawing video for this one! I drew a lot more of the big guy than ended up in the final cartoon: “Private prisons” is written both backwards and forwards on the middle version because I flipped the … Continue reading
Cartoon: God Bless
This cartoon is drawn by Nadine Scholtes, who also made up the cat and mouse business on the counter. This one is a little autobiographical. Not that I’d ever react this strongly in real life, but when someone tells me … Continue reading
Cartoon: Keep Government Out of the Economy!
That conservatives frequently call for reducing government interference in the economy, while constantly supporting government interference in the economy, is nothing new. But the particular story that galvanized this cartoon – Florida’s ban on “fake meat” back in May – … Continue reading
Cartoon: Our Highest Priority
This cartoon is by me and Becky Hawkins. Becky writes: As a long-time car-free bicycle commuter, I’m drawn toward Barry’s traffic-related scripts. I like lecturing friends and acquaintances about the dangers of oversized vehicles and car-centric road design, but drawing … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Interviews, Mandolin, My publications, Patreon, Writing Advice
Cartoon: Compromising the Centrist Way
This cartoon is drawn by Becky Hawkins, who writes: I chose to draw this cartoon because the image of a “centrist” listing all of the concessions that leftists should make in order for conservatives to begin to engage in basic effing self-preservation … Continue reading
Cartoon: Why I Have Hope
This seemed like a good one to close the year out with. Happy New Year, Alas readers! I don’t have a cartoon syndicate and I’m not in newspapers. But I get to do this for a living because lots of … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Interviews, Mandolin, My publications, Patreon, Writing Advice
"maybe no one with intact neurology from the first administration is present in the second." There is almost no crossover…