"If the answer is because they legitimately don’t want kids: Fine. But I wonder if we’ve devalued motherhood culturally." Is…
If the answer is because they legitimately don’t want kids: Fine. But I wonder if we’ve devalued motherhood culturally. Motherhood…
Yeah, really they are gaming the Electoral System, and the College is just one part of it, albeit a pretty…
I laughed quite loudly when I read that comment and I couldn't explain to my mom what I was laughing…
Category Archives: Immigration, Migrant Rights, etc
Cartoon: A Concise History of Keeping The Immigrants Out
[This post is written by Becky Hawkins.] This cartoon was born over gChat over a span of about 12 hours: Becky: It’s wild how every “neat old photo” from an aggregate account on social media will have some egregiously racist … Continue reading
Cartoon: Appealing to Trump Voters by Getting Tough on Immigration!
It’s extremely common for centrist Democrats to say that we must change this or that policy to attract more right-wing voters into the Democratic camp. We have to toughen up on immigration; we have to stop advocating for trans rights; … Continue reading
Interviewing the Heartland
Help me make more cartoons like this one by supporting my Patreon! A $1 or $2 pledge really helps. In the wake of Trump’s upset (and upsetting) win in the 2016 election, the “heartland interview” – in which a newspaper … Continue reading
Should we ban the phrases “illegal alien” and “illegal immigrant” from comments?
A rule of this blog is that undocumented immigrants are not to be referred to as “illegals” or “illegal.” But I do allow “illegal alien,” even though it’s not a phrase I’d use myself. Back when I made the rule, … Continue reading
Cartoon: Top Ten Reasons We Won’t Abolish I.C.E.
Please help me make more cartoons like this one, by supporting my Patreon! A $1 or $2 pledge really matters to me. I truly believe that I.C.E. is an agency that’s rotten to its core. Hardly a week goes by … Continue reading
Top Ten Border Patrol Excuses For Tear Gassing Babies
If you enjoy these cartoons, please support my Patreon. A $1 pledge really matters to me. This is actually a many-years-old comic, originally drawn in response to a baby being peppersprayed by cops at a protest in Portland. (I think … Continue reading
Cartoon: Border Deaths
If you’d like to support the making of these cartoons, you can do that at my Patreon. Even a one dollar pledge helps a lot! After President Trump said (of undocumented immigrants) “these aren’t people. These are animals,” Eugene Scott, … Continue reading
Cartoon: New Recruits’ Vow
If you enjoy these cartoons, and can spare it, please support them on Patreon. A $1 pledge matters a lot. I’m not sure that I’ve ever done a cartoon about ICE before, and I’ve really wanted to, but it’s been … Continue reading
Look! Another great game by the serial sexual assaulter whose offenses were deemed much less serious by the NFL than…