Category Archives: Site and Admin Stuff

Recent Comments

So the WordPress plug-in we’ve been using for years for the “Recent Comments” function on the sidebar… no longer works. There’s a conflict between the server and that plugin. And, in fact, most similar plugins, as far as I’ve been … Continue reading

Posted in Site and Admin Stuff | 2 Comments

Should we ban the phrases “illegal alien” and “illegal immigrant” from comments?

A rule of this blog is that undocumented immigrants are not to be referred to as “illegals” or “illegal.” But I do allow “illegal alien,” even though it’s not a phrase I’d use myself. Back when I made the rule, … Continue reading

Posted in Immigration, Migrant Rights, etc, Site and Admin Stuff | 81 Comments

Aaaand We’re Back!

Sorry for the outage, everyone. We’re back!

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These are the RSS Feed Addresses That Work For “Alas”

Here are the rss feed addresses for “Alas” that you should use (if you use RSS): For the blog itself: For the comments: Some of the other feed address are no longer updating Alas, alas.

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“Alas” errors: I’m not sure what’s wrong, but I’m looking into it. UPDATE: I think it’s fixed now.

As you may have noticed, although the blog is here and can be viewed, trying to look at any individual post gets a “not found” error. Which means, of course, that no one can view or leave comments. Aaargh. I … Continue reading

Posted in Site and Admin Stuff | 5 Comments

Alas Bugs Have Been Driven Out Into The Cold Where They Suffer, Shivering, Uncared For And Soon To Be Forgotten

Hey, so “Alas” is back up, and many bugs that have plagued “Alas” (most notably, the inability to edit comments) have been defeated. (For now). Suggestions? Comments? Are people okay with the new setup of the comments sidebar (quoting the … Continue reading

Posted in Site and Admin Stuff | 64 Comments

Maintenance mode

Hey, folks. We’re doing some maintenance stuff that involves switching the servers. Any comments you post during the next day or two are “provisional”; you might have to repost them once maintenance is done. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience. … Continue reading

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Comment editor isn’t working

Hey, folks. The comment editor Alas uses, “Ajax Edit Comments,” has stopped working. This was probably caused, in some way, by a recent server upgrade. For me (and, I take it from some comments, for other folks), there’s a “Are … Continue reading

Posted in Site and Admin Stuff | 3 Comments

How To Fix “ShareThis” so it no longer adds “See more at…” message to text that you copy and paste

Without warning users, the folks at “ShareThis” added a new function to their social buttons plugin. Now, anytime someone copies text from a blog with “ShareThis” installed, when the text is pasted, a new message saying “See more at [insert … Continue reading

Posted in Site and Admin Stuff | 1 Comment

A few random thoughts regarding civility and blog moderation

Over at Family Scholars Blog, the powers-that-be are planning to modify their moderation policy, and they’ve asked bloggers there to throw in some thoughts about civility over the next month. So this is a post I wrote for FSB, in … Continue reading

Posted in Civility & norms of discourse, Site and Admin Stuff, Whatever | 18 Comments