More “supporting legal immigration” news: At least two Oregon nonprofits – and I suspect, many similar ones across the country…
I think there's a bug. The image is the same as the previous comic, but the description under it (and…
I can’t wait for RonF to explain how this gibes with his pro-legal immigration stance.
More "supporting legal immigration" news: At least two Oregon nonprofits - and I suspect, many similar ones across the country…
Category Archives: White Privilege
Interviewing the Heartland
Help me make more cartoons like this one by supporting my Patreon! A $1 or $2 pledge really helps. In the wake of Trump’s upset (and upsetting) win in the 2016 election, the “heartland interview” – in which a newspaper … Continue reading
It’s Gross to Use Otto Warmbier’s Tragedy to talk about White Male Privilege
Otto Warmbier was a 22-year-old American who, early in 2016 was convicted by a North Korean court of stealing a poster. He was put in a North Korean prison, until he was returned to the US in a coma on … Continue reading
Posted in In the news, Korea, White Privilege
Thanks for pointing that out! I can't believe I did that. The post has been updated with the correct cartoon.…