About Elon's Nazi salute, I'll again post this video, which shows Elon's salute side by side with the salute as…
The only thing a beggar provides you with is a blessing/karma, which has no economic value, although I would still…
Well, clearly at least one does. God knows Musk doesn’t have to work another day in his life and hasn’t…
"People are afraid that if they give a beggar money they’ll use it to buy drugs or booze." Yep, people…
Category Archives: My publications
Cartoon: God Bless
This cartoon is drawn by Nadine Scholtes, who also made up the cat and mouse business on the counter. This one is a little autobiographical. Not that I’d ever react this strongly in real life, but when someone tells me … Continue reading
Cartoon: Keep Government Out of the Economy!
That conservatives frequently call for reducing government interference in the economy, while constantly supporting government interference in the economy, is nothing new. But the particular story that galvanized this cartoon – Florida’s ban on “fake meat” back in May – … Continue reading
Cartoon: Our Highest Priority
This cartoon is by me and Becky Hawkins. Becky writes: As a long-time car-free bicycle commuter, I’m drawn toward Barry’s traffic-related scripts. I like lecturing friends and acquaintances about the dangers of oversized vehicles and car-centric road design, but drawing … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Interviews, Mandolin, My publications, Patreon, Writing Advice
Cartoon: Compromising the Centrist Way
This cartoon is drawn by Becky Hawkins, who writes: I chose to draw this cartoon because the image of a “centrist” listing all of the concessions that leftists should make in order for conservatives to begin to engage in basic effing self-preservation … Continue reading
Cartoon: Why I Have Hope
This seemed like a good one to close the year out with. Happy New Year, Alas readers! I don’t have a cartoon syndicate and I’m not in newspapers. But I get to do this for a living because lots of … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Interviews, Mandolin, My publications, Patreon, Writing Advice
Cartoon: Tragicomic Compromise
This cartoon was written by Rachel Swirsky, the much-awarded science fiction writer who also collaborates with me writing the scripts to the Wings of Fire graphic novels. This, by the way, is the second Shakespeare-themed cartoon Rachel and I have done together; … Continue reading
Cartoon: The Immigration Deal
Political discourse in the U.S. has become difficult, if not impossible, because right-wing views are so completely untethered from reality. I’m not saying left-wingers are immune to this – we’re not – but on the left it’s not as extreme or … Continue reading
Cartoon: Echo Echo Echo, Fox Fox Fox
There’s a timelapse video of the making of this cartoon – which shows how I began by drawing an entirely different cartoon (which I was really struggling with) before switching to this one, which even though it featured pretty much the … Continue reading
Cartoon: Personal Vehicle Arms Race
This comic was drawn by my most frequent collaborator, Becky Hawkins. Becky writes: I’ve been a bike-commuter for twelve years and in that time I’ve noticed the average vehicle size getting bigger. There’s something unnerving about waiting at a red light … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Interviews, Mandolin, My publications, Patreon, Writing Advice
When you're defending nazi salutes, you're telling me that you're a nazi.