Cartoon: Echo Echo Echo, Fox Fox Fox

There’s a timelapse video of the making of this cartoon – which shows how I began by drawing an entirely different cartoon (which I was really struggling with) before switching to this one, which even though it featured pretty much the same elements (people on TV, people watching TV) somehow was much less of a struggle to draw.

The only thing about drawing this cartoon that I’d really describe as a struggle is drawing the cat. I drew it, admitted to myself that what I’d drawn sucked, and tried again, admitted again, and then finally did what I should have done in the first place – looked at a photo of a cat.

But I’m really pleased with the how the completed cat looks, and with the way that the cat’s presence makes it clear (I hope) that panels one and four show the same scene.


As a political cartoonist, not only am I not required to be fair, in a way the job demands that I be unfair.

If I were fair, I’d have to admit that you could pretty easily rewrite this cartoon to be criticizing liberals and lefties instead of conservatives. Liberals, like conservatives, tend to agree with each other about a whole bunch of issues. (In fact, any political group is defined by what they agree on.)

But in the current political moment, conservatives are complaining a lot about liberal “echo chambers,” which makes this the right moment to make fun of their hypocrisy.


This cartoon has four panels.


We’re looking at an open laptop. On the laptop screen we can see a Fox News show, where two hosts are speaking with a guest.

HOST: Thanks for joining us on Fox! Now, you’ve written a book about woke liberal echo chambers?

GUEST: I have! You see, woke liberals spend all their time in places where only liberal opinions are heard.


The Fox show is showing an image of a book. The title is “Inside the Woke Bubble Wrap Safe Space Echo Chamber Bubble.”

GUEST: They have their own websites, their own cable networks. They’re aware that other opinions exist, but they don’t trust any news source outside their own bubble.


The guest author shrugs.

HOST: Is there no way of changing liberals’ minds?

GUEST: Not while they stay safe within their echo chamber.


We see a woman watching the laptop; she has an amused expression.

HOST: So sad! Good thing conservatives aren’t like that.

GUEST: Yes, exactly!

HOST 2: I agree too!


“Chicken fat” is an antediluvian cartoonists’ term for little details that are unimportant to the cartoon but which are amusing, at least to ourselves.

PANEL 1 – There’s a cat asleep behind the laptop. On the front of the laptop, the branding just says “LOGO.” The Fox News logo says “Faux News channel.” The chyron (the line of text at the bottom of news shows) says “Study: Your ears look kinda funny.”

PANEL 2 – The Fox logo now says “Lox News on bagels.” The chyron says “Global Warming: myth, plot or scam?”

PANEL 3 – The Fox logo now says “Over Look these words.” The chyron says “Oprah uses time machine, kills Christ.”

PANEL 4 – The back of the laptop has the planet sticking its tongue out, from the front cover of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, on it. The cat is now wearing glasses and smoking a cigarette. The woman’s coffee mug has an illustration on it of a handgun firing; below the drawing are the words “Get it? It’s a mug shot.”

Echo Echo Echo Fox Fox Fox | Patreon

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6 Responses to Cartoon: Echo Echo Echo, Fox Fox Fox

  1. bcb says:

    I love this cartoon: top notch as always. Also I love the chicken fat on this one (and that the text of the chicken fat is big enough that I can read it without the transcript.)

    Why isn’t the cat trying to eat the lox news? Most cats I know love eating lox. Maybe it isn’t really lox? Is it faux lox news?

  2. Daran says:

    But in the current political moment, conservatives are complaining a lot about liberal “echo chambers,” which makes this the right moment to make fun of their hypocrisy.”

    But to be fair, which you’re not obliged to be, in the current political moment, liberals are also complaining a lot about conservative echo chambers. And you’re one of them.

    Bit of a self-aware-wolves moment for you, I think.

  3. Ampersand says:

    I don’t think of myself as complaining about conservative echo chambers so much as I think political echo chamber like behavior is sort of inevitable.

    I hate the specific content of conservative echo chambers, but it’s not the echo chamber part I object to. Echo chambers – otherwise known as “having an identifiable political ideology that other people also hold” – are unavoidable and it’s pointless to rail against them.

    I personally see a lot more “I’m so proud I’m an individual who thinks for myself!” stuff from conservatives than lefties, but I admit that it’s hardly unknown behavior on the left, either.

  4. Ampersand says:

    Also I love the chicken fat on this one (and that the text of the chicken fat is big enough that I can read it without the transcript.)

    Thank you!

    The cat isn’t in the Lox News panel, otherwise it surely would eat it. Remember, the panel border prevents the panel 1 and panel 4 cats from eating anything in panel 2, no matter how delicious.

    Is it faux lox news?

    Now that’s thinking outside the lox box!

  5. The problem is not the “echo chamber” phenomenon. It is the fact that reactionary information sources disseminate falsehoods about the world we live in. These falsehoods have cost the actual lives of persons by the hundreds of thousands during the pandemic, and millions of lives during Bush 2’s administration.

    Echoing true statements about the world will save lives.

    That should be the real lesson, as opposed to bemoaning the existence of “echoing” spaces.

    After all, no one would accuse, say, a physicist of living in an “echo chamber” because she will not seek information about the natural world in a church, right?

    We owe those who tell us falsehoods no consideration other than telling them that they are wrong and why.

  6. RonF says:

    LOL so true, Amp. People of all political opinions have a confirmation bias, not just the left.

    This is why when I was asked by some Scouts how they can get information on how to vote I told them that they have to listen to diverse information sources and not just ones that have a common point of view.

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