Category Archives: Institutionalized Racism

Cartoon: Top Ten Reasons We Won’t Abolish I.C.E.

Please help me make more cartoons like this one, by supporting my Patreon! A $1 or $2 pledge really matters to me. I truly believe that I.C.E. is an agency that’s rotten to its core. Hardly a week goes by … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Immigration, Migrant Rights, etc, Institutionalized Racism | 43 Comments

Cartoon: New Recruits’ Vow

If you enjoy these cartoons, and can spare it, please support them on Patreon. A $1 pledge matters a lot. I’m not sure that I’ve ever done a cartoon about ICE before, and I’ve really wanted to, but it’s been … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Immigration, Migrant Rights, etc, Institutionalized Racism | 12 Comments

Cartoon: Ghost of Rehnquist

If you enjoy these cartoons, please support them on Patreon! A $1 or $2 pledge makes a big difference to me. It seems like it happens every few weeks – a policeman shoots an unarmed civilian (more often than not … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Contemporary Racism, cops, Institutionalized Racism, police brutality, Race, racism and related issues | 23 Comments