Some more “supporting legal immigration” news. U.S. to revoke legal status of more than a half-million migrants, urges them to…
@Jacqueline Squid Onassis: Yep, pretty much. And their public unpopularity. Protests show, if nothing else, that people are unhappy enough…
I think it's only the tremendous incompetence of Dollar Store Mussolini and those willing to work on his agenda of…
Given the first Dollar Store Mussolini administration, I don’t find that incompetence to be astonishing. At all. Yeah, but in…
Category Archives: Transsexual and Transgender related issues
Cartoon: If Not Now, Then Never
There’s a timelapse video of this cartoon being drawn. And for the first time, the video includes Frank Young’s coloring process! (Previous timelapse videos have only been of cartoons I colored myself). This cartoon was directly inspired by a column by … Continue reading →
Cartoon: They Walk Among Us
This cartoon was cartooned by Becky Hawkins. One oddity about the internet age is that there are famous people with tremendous audiences who most of us haven’t even heard of. Chaya Raichik, also know as Libs of Tik Tok, is like that. … Continue reading →
Cartoon: Transphobes Are The Real Victims
Once again, there’s a timelapse drawing video! Go watch me change my mind again… and again… and again! Sometimes, the drawing of a comic is just stuck in a low gear. This one, for example, took FOREVER to draw. I’m … Continue reading →
Comic: New Solutions To The Trolley Car Problem
This cartoon is by me and Becky Hawkins. Becky writes: I had way too much fun with the details in this cartoon! In panel 4, the script said: Nearby, either on the ground or on the other end of the … Continue reading →
Cartoon: Gender Affirmation Isn’t Just For Trans People
Note: This one got revised a lot after I first posted it. If you’re curious, you can see the first version here. It’s unusual for me to do a single-panel cartoon, and when I first wrote this cartoon it was … Continue reading →
Cartoon: The Celestial Politics of Trans Bans
This cartoon is a collaboration with Becky Hawkins. And Becky wrote the text for this Patreon post, too! Take it away, Becky! This script seemed like a natural fit for me since I’ve been doing autobio comics with a shoulder … Continue reading →
Cartoon: “Sex Is Real” Is A Euphemism
This cartoon was drawn by my frequent collaborator Nadine Scholtes. The video blogger Natalie Wynn, also known as “Contrapoints,” years ago made an observation that’s stuck with me. “Sex is real” is a euphemism designed to present… transphobia as a … Continue reading →
This cartoon is drawn by Becky Hawkins – back on the set of The JAQ Off, which she created, and which may be the only purposely repeating setting in Leftycartoons. (Not counting repeating settings like “Barry is drawing characters walking … Continue reading →
Cartoon: Reality vs Imagination, Trans Kids Edition
Recently, the journalist Jesse Singal – who has a well-earned reputation for being anti-trans – made an error that he thought was understandable, but to many people – me included – seemed ridiculous. He came across an interview with a … Continue reading →
Cartoon: Shoving It Down Our Throats
Welcome to new collaborator R. E. Ryan! R. E. Ryan is a history and comics enthusiast from Portland, Oregon who makes both fiction and nonfiction comics. (Oddly, although he and I live in the same city, we’ve never met outside … Continue reading →
"maybe no one with intact neurology from the first administration is present in the second." There is almost no crossover…