Category Archives: Palestine & Israel

Cartoon: Free Speech on Campus

In the first draft of this cartoon, the first panel went out of its way to make fun of Emma Camp’s New York Times article about students being afraid to say controversial things. Camp described her own freedom of speech being threatened when … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc., Palestine & Israel | 6 Comments  

So Much In Common

Robert Wright writes: But then I remembered a conversation I had a few years ago with a psychologist at Boston College named Liane  Young. She and some colleagues had done research on how Palestinians  and Israelis view their conflict and … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, International issues, Palestine & Israel | Comments Off  

Reading Journal: Verses of Forgiveness, by Myriam Aantaki — 2

I continue to be fascinated with this book—part 1 of this reading journal is here—and with the effort Ahmed (the narrator) makes, even while he is planning a suicide attack against Israel, to imagine his Jewish father’s life. The author, Myriam Antaki, … Continue reading

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Reading Journal: Verses of Forgiveness, by Myriam Antaki – 1

I started a new novel not too long ago, Verses of Forgiveness, by Myriam Antaki and translated from the French by Marjolin de Jager. Antaki is a Syrian novelist who writes in French. Verses of Forgiveness, which is narrated in a lyrical, dream-like … Continue reading

Posted in Jews and Judaism, Palestine & Israel | Comments Off  

Being called racist or sexist does not “destroy” people, and, Joseph Levine’s defense of calling someone an awful human being

On drawing breaks lately, I’ve been leaving comments on Ozy’s blog, which I feel a bit guilty about since I’ve been neglecting my own blog. (Leaving comments on someone else’s blog is, somehow, easier and quicker for me than writing … Continue reading

Posted in Civility & norms of discourse, Palestine & Israel | Comments Off  

This is (Potentially) a VERY Big Deal: Hamas drops call for destruction of Israel from manifesto

ETA: When I first read the Guardian article, I carelessly did not look at the date, which is January 12, 2006, and so this is not so much a big deal now. Nonetheless, it is significant that Hamas has taken … Continue reading

Posted in International issues, Palestine & Israel | Comments Off  

Is Hamas Considering Recognition Of Israel? – from Al-Monitor

From a very interesting article by Shlomi Eldar on Al-Monitor, which is a very useful source of information if you follow what’s going on in the Middle East: “Reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah is stuck, because right now the United … Continue reading

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So This Is Really Spooky

When I was in yeshiva, our tenth grade gemara teacher was Rabbi Wehl, and he would often take time in class to talk to us about Israel and how important it was to the Jewish people, how miraculous its very … Continue reading

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Architectural Occupation and Israel’s Borders

Hello, again, to everyone here in Amptoons Int3rWebzzz L4nd!  It’s been a while since I’ve been posting on here, not sure why, crazy life got in the way, I guess.  But I have been posting regularly at my blog The … Continue reading

Posted in Colonialism, In the news, Palestine & Israel | Comments Off  

Went to See Maz Jobrani Last Night

I took my wife and my son for their birthdays, which are a day apart later this month, to see the Iranian-American comic Maz Jobrani last night at Town Hall. He is very talented and very funny. One of the … Continue reading

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