Category Archives: Colonialism

Cartoon: G.O.P. Approved History

Welcome back to artist R. E. Ryan! This is the second cartoon he’s done with me; I certainly hope there’ll be more. In 2019, the New York Times published The 1619 Project, an anthology of essays and other works arguing … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Colonialism, Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Education, Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc. | Comments Off  

‘Scuse Me, Great Nations Coming Through

Remember John Derbyshire? Of course you do! He’s the incredibly creepy guy who got fired from National Review Online for writing an incredibly racist screed for an online site frequented by Pat Buchanan and Steve Sailer. Anyhow, Derbyshire may have … Continue reading

Posted in Colonialism, Race, racism and related issues | Comments Off  


My wife pointed me to an excellent, if infuriating, blog last night, and I was up until 2 AM reading through it. Microaggressions is a blog about the little daily fuck-yous that populate the world if your race, gender, ethnicity, … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Colonialism, crossposted on TADA, Disabled Rights & Issues, Fat, fat and more fat, Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer issues, Links, Race, racism and related issues, Whatever | Comments Off  

Architectural Occupation and Israel’s Borders

Hello, again, to everyone here in Amptoons Int3rWebzzz L4nd!  It’s been a while since I’ve been posting on here, not sure why, crazy life got in the way, I guess.  But I have been posting regularly at my blog The … Continue reading

Posted in Colonialism, In the news, Palestine & Israel | Comments Off  

Terra Nullis

I live in New Zealand, and like so many other countries it gives me a strange view of the USA. I’m familiar with so many things that are alien to my life. As a child I read of twinkies and … Continue reading

Posted in Colonialism, Race, racism and related issues, Whatever | Comments Off  

Post-Race Doomsday Detonation: Catch the (Shock) Wave!

Cross-posted from The Mustard Seed. Who wants to check out the raps of a pissed-off, punk-rocking, straight-edge, vegan eating, 31337 typing, Pilipino activist blogger and scholar? I do! And so you do you God damn-it! The power of the simulacra … Continue reading

Posted in Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Colonialism, Economics and the like, Mind-blowing Miscellania and other Neat Stuff, Race, racism and related issues | Comments Off  

Amandla! A Revolution in Four Part Harmony

This fantastic documentary (which I can’t speak of highly enough!) is now offered, in full, on YouTube. If your are in a rush just watch the first 2 minutes and 14 seconds to get a feel for it. Through a … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Colonialism | Comments Off  

Choosing Conflict and Discord

I understand finding something to get excited about in the idea of Barack Obama being president (I don’t share it, but I can see where it comes from). I cannot understand anyone with any progressive tendancies not being appalled by … Continue reading

Posted in Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Colonialism, Elections and politics, The Obama Administration | Comments Off  

Women and Children – On Innocence

You may have seen the status updates on facebook. Although it depends on who your friends are I guess. At the moment they look like this: In 17 days 919 Palestinians killed by Israel including 284 children & 100 women, … Continue reading

Posted in Colonialism, Feminism, sexism, etc, Palestine & Israel | Comments Off  

Dear Non-Jewish Activists:

I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to say this for a few days now, but I’ve finally decided to just point you toward Amp’s How Not to Be Insane When Accused of Racism. Replace “racism” with “anti-Semitism” … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Colonialism, International issues, Palestine & Israel | Comments Off