Category Archives: The Obama Administration

Conor Friedersdorf’s Argument Against Drones

Conor Friedersdorf’s entire argument against Drones is worth reading, but here’s a sample: In thought experiments, we may be able to separate the questions, “Should force be used?” and, “If so, what is the most ethical weapon available?” But the … Continue reading

Posted in International issues, The Obama Administration | Comments Off  

On “the best looking Attorney General in the country”

So at a party fundraiser, President Obama made a sexist remark about California Attorney General Kamala Harris: You have to be careful to, first of all, say she is brilliant and she is dedicated and she is tough, and she … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, sexism, etc, In the news, The Obama Administration | Comments Off  

Dear Obama: Women Are People. Not just the Wives, Mothers and Daughters of People.

In the State of the Union, Obama used a habitual rhetorical device for referring to women: “We know our economy is stronger when our wives, mothers, and daughters can live their lives free from discrimination in the workplace, and free … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism, sexism, etc, Language Politics, The Obama Administration | Comments Off  

Today in Orwellian Double-Speak: “Imminent Threat”

From the Obama Administration’s newly-uncovered memo on when the President is allowed to order Americans assassinated: The condition that an operational leader present an ‘imminent’ threat of violent attack against the United States does not require the United States to … Continue reading

Posted in In the news, The Obama Administration | Comments Off  

The Racism in this NRA Video Needs to be Called Out

I’ve seen this video written about in two places, The New York Times and The New Yorker. Neither of them takes on the video’s obvious (to me anyway) dog-whistle (and maybe not even dog-whistle) racism. First, there is the divide-and-conquer … Continue reading

Posted in Race, racism and related issues, The Obama Administration | Comments Off  


The president was inexperienced, they said. Weak. Oh, he’d accomplished some great things in his year-and-a-half in office, but clearly he was doomed in a couple years. Meanwhile, Congress, which had been a rubber stamp for this Democrat, was seen … Continue reading

Posted in Elections and politics, The Obama Administration | Comments Off  

Democratic deference, not Republican resistance, is source of student sorrow

The normally-excellent Dahlia Lithwick, writing about sad liberal law students: One of the most notable things about these events is the extent to which progressive students, faced with a Supreme Court vacancy, a Democratic president, and a Democratic Congress, are … Continue reading

Posted in Supreme Court Issues, The Obama Administration | Comments Off  

Burn Him!

As you no doubt have heard by now, President Obama is expected to announce a non-defense discretionary spending freeze in tomorrow’s State of the Union address. Given that we’re only kinda, sorta on the way to recovery — and that … Continue reading

Posted in Economics and the like, The Obama Administration | Comments Off  

Reid and Lott

As you all most certainly know, an embarrassing quote from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., surfaced over the weekend. Reid apparently stated during the 2008 election that then-Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., would be an electable African-American candidate because he … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Elections and politics, Race, racism and related issues, The Obama Administration | Comments Off  

Bruce Jenner Has an Opinion

Bruce Jenner is terribly, terribly upset at Barack Obama for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. And for some reason, the Politico cares. I think it’s only fair to run this trailer for the 1980 film Can’t Stop the Music, starring … Continue reading

Posted in Popular (and unpopular) culture, The Obama Administration | Comments Off