And thank you everyone who decided that Biden wasn't pure enough for you and stayed home: Incompetent NSC means…
_Railsea_ by China Mieville has ampersands as part of the story-- both text and symbolism. A genuinely weird surrealist novel.
Nobody, LOL! I honestly haven't run into that factoid before.
Gar, thanks! Any sharing is good sharing! My URL is on the image itself on the left border, so anyone…
Author Archives: Jeff Fecke
And The World Will Be Better For This
Sometimes you lose. But you keep fighting anyhow.
Posted in Elections and politics
A Very Serious, Thoughtful Vetting Which Has Never Been Done In Such Detail or With Such Care
“Why, once I met this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew … Continue reading
I cry a lot because I miss people. They die and I can’t stop them. They leave me and I love them more.
R.I.P., Mr. Sendak. You created one of the great anarchic works of literature, Where the Wild Things Are, which in its brevity is far deeper than most thousand-page novels. If you missed Sendak’s unbelievably amazing interview with Stephen Colbert, or … Continue reading
Posted in Cartooning & comics, Fiction, literature
1 Comment
The One Article You Must Read Today
From Peter Sagal of “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” fame. It isn’t particularly funny: The first soldier was in bed, surrounded by six members of his family, including his fiance, who was slumped over asleep. His left foot was missing, and … Continue reading
Posted in Afghanistan
Save the Body Parts
As you may be aware, I’m a testicular cancer survivor. That sounds a lot more badass than it is; testicular cancer is extremely treatable if caught reasonably early, and while chemo and surgery are exactly as fun as you’d think … Continue reading
I Said, “Pretend You’ve Got No Money.” She Just Laughed and Said “Oh, You’re So Funny.”
The Romneys are not like you and me. [Ann] Romney alluded to the fact that not all women can stay at home saying, “I love the fact that there are women out there who don’t have a choice and they must … Continue reading
Please, Dear Venus, Show Me Now
I feel sorry for Men’s Rights Activists. No, really, I do. Like the people in Plato’s cave, they have a sense of the problems caused by a society that demands a harsh conformity to gender norms; they can see the … Continue reading
Now Next Friday Come I Didn’t Have the Rent, and Out the Door I Went
Here’s a little Schadenfreude to start the week off right: The Minnesota Republican Party’s financial woes continue with the filing last week of eviction papers that could oust the party from its headquarters in a St. Paul building. Politics in Minnesota notes that … Continue reading
I apologize for my last comment. Trump's election is the fault of Trump voters and no one else (well, Putin,…