Something Awful

Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit drinking:

An unidentified entrepreneur admits he is trying to profit off Trayvon Martin’s death by selling gun range targets featuring the teen who’s death has sparked a nationwide controversy.

Although Martin’s face does not appear on the paper targets, they feature a hoodie with crosshairs aimed at the chest. A bag of Skittles is tucked in the pocket and a hand is holding a can resembling iced tea.


According to an advertisement for the targets that had been posted on a popular firearms auction website, the sellers stated they “support Zimmerman and believe he is innocent and that he shot a thug.”

That online ad has since been removed.


In an email exchange with reporter Mike DeForest, the seller wrote, “My main motivation was to make money off the controversy.”

The seller would not disclose how many paper targets had been made, but said in an email, “The response is overwhelming. I sold out in 2 days.”

Some of those targets were sold to two Florida gun dealers, according to the seller.

Before DeForest identified himself as a reporter, the seller claimed that targets were still available for purchase. After being informed Local 6 was investigating his online business, the seller claimed the targets would no longer be sold.

Oh, well that’s great. I mean, sure, the guy was evil enough to make a target depicting a murder victim, but heck, I’m sure he’ll totally back down now that he’s on the news.

Seriously, sometimes I think the comet can’t get here fast enough. Most people are decent, kind, caring individuals. But the worst of us are truly awful.

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5 Responses to Something Awful

  1. Mandolin says:

    This is so unfathomably cruel.

  2. Robert says:

    As more and more information has come out in this case, I’ve shifted my view somewhat, but there’s no possible excuse for this. Sick and wrong.

  3. RonF says:

    No matter what you think of why George did what he did that night or whether you’ve made a judgment at all, it seems incontrovertible to me that a tragedy happened. This is immoral.

  4. Lord Cerbereth says:

    If there is a dollar to be made someone is going to step up and make that dollar.

    Capitalism is so beautiful and so ugly at the sametime.

    The wonderful dichotomy is why I love it so much.

  5. Lord Cerbereth says:

    Also it really isn’t any different than making money selling cd’s titled “justice for trayvon” that the parents already secured the rights to.

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