@Dianne: Well yes that is there too. But if we had to eliminate only one variable, I´d say the gender…
It’s an excellent cartoon. Thank you! There was an interesting article in the Times yesterday arguing that more turnout wouldn't…
If you can stand a related one, the Democrats have done a lot of signaling that they don't care about…
@Avvaaa: I would add racist white rage as well since if only white women voted Donnie would still have won.
Category Archives: Anti-feminists and their pals
Cartoon: Hush, Woman, The Strawfeminist Is Speaking
Help me make more cartoons by supporting my Patreon! A $1 or $2 pledge really matters to me. I usually post cartoons on the Patreon weeks or even months before posting them here. I’m sure we’ve all had the experience … Continue reading
Mens Rights Activists, Feminism, and Male Workplace Deaths
If you like these cartoons, please help me make more, by supporting my Patreon! A $1 pledge matters a lot. This cartoon was done months ago, for “Dollars & Sense Magazine,” but I guess I forgot to post it here … Continue reading
Cartoon: 36 Annoying Anti-Feminists (revised and expanded!)
Please support these cartoons on Patreon. You may remember an earlier version of this cartoon, which had only 32 anti-feminists. After this cartoon was first published, I got a lot of criticism. Some of it was the expected mindless anger … Continue reading
On Writers Who Are Pro-Choice But Only Mention It When It’s Helpful For Attacking Feminism
A surprising number of anti-feminists describe themselves as being pro-choice when they’re attacking feminism. The message of these “I’m pro-choice, but…” messages is I’m-liberal-so-my-eviscerations-of-feminism-are-ever-so-objective. Christina Hoff Sommers is a good example of this. My friend Cathy Young, too. ((I don’t … Continue reading
On The Definition of Misogyny, And The Related And Uninteresting Question, Is Dave Sim Misogynistic?
So Sandeep Atwal and I have been disagreeing on the definition of misogyny. Sandeep says that misogyny means “hatred of women,” full stop. I agree misogyny means “hatred of women,” but it additionally means (to quote the OED) “Dislike of, … Continue reading
New Cartoon: The 32 Types of Anti-Feminist
Both the full cartoon, and a transcript of the cartoon, can be viewed at Everyday Feminism.
Criticism Isn’t Censorship, National Review.
A National Review article, How to Censor Speakers on College Campuses, is subtitled “Oberlin students trying to censor Christina Hoff Sommers conflate speech and violence.” ((It’s possible that someone else at the NR, rather than Cooke, was responsible for the … Continue reading
As an Alternative to Sea Lions …
I would like to humbly propose ‘ant swarms.’ Comic courtesy Robot Hugs, whose other comics are similarly fantastic.
MRAs and Anti-Feminists Have Ruined Complaining About Being Single
Remember the 1955 movie “Marty”? It was a respected oldie when I was a kid (it’s one of only two films to win both the Best Picture Oscar and the Cannes Palme d’Or), but it’s now pretty obscure. I saw … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-feminists and their pals, Sex
I’m pretty sure they would have overridden his veto anyway You're probably right. But the fact that DeWine just signed…