No worries, Dianne. We're all frustrated with the current situation. (Or I am, anyway.)
I apologize for my last comment. Trump's election is the fault of Trump voters and no one else (well, Putin,…
And thank you everyone who decided that Biden wasn't pure enough for you and stayed home: Incompetent NSC means…
_Railsea_ by China Mieville has ampersands as part of the story-- both text and symbolism. A genuinely weird surrealist novel.
Category Archives: Christina Hoff Sommers
On Writers Who Are Pro-Choice But Only Mention It When It’s Helpful For Attacking Feminism
A surprising number of anti-feminists describe themselves as being pro-choice when they’re attacking feminism. The message of these “I’m pro-choice, but…” messages is I’m-liberal-so-my-eviscerations-of-feminism-are-ever-so-objective. Christina Hoff Sommers is a good example of this. My friend Cathy Young, too. ((I don’t … Continue reading
Criticism Isn’t Censorship, National Review.
A National Review article, How to Censor Speakers on College Campuses, is subtitled “Oberlin students trying to censor Christina Hoff Sommers conflate speech and violence.” ((It’s possible that someone else at the NR, rather than Cooke, was responsible for the … Continue reading
Gloria Steinem’s Presidential Medal of Freedom, Plus Should Firefighters Carry Or Drag
Last week, President Obama awarded a whole bunch of people, including Gloria Steinem, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Cathy Young is unhappy with this development, because Steinem, Cathy says, represents the very worst of feminism. What’s most striking about Cathy’s … Continue reading
The Intellectual Space to Be Anti-Male Is Necessary and Desirable
In a couple of posts in January, I touched on the topic of “male-bashing.” “Male-bashing” is an inaccurate phrase, since — as Hugo says — words are not fists. (And see this post by Mandolin, as well.) But in general, … Continue reading
Response to Christina Hoff Sommers, part 3: Truths and Lies
In a speech, self-described “conservative feminist” Christina Hoff Sommers said: Let me turn to my second major objection to contemporary feminism: its reckless disregard for the truth. In doing research for my books, I looked carefully at some standard feminist … Continue reading
Cathy Young responds to me regarding feminist hatred of men
I was thrown off my horse by strep throat, but I am planning to continue my series responding to Christina Hoff Sommers. First, however: Over at The Y Files, columnist Cathy Young responds to part two of my series. Cathy … Continue reading
Posted in Christina Hoff Sommers
Response to Christina Hoff Sommers, Part 2: Do Feminists Hate Men?
Self-described “conservative feminist” Christina Hoff Sommers delivered a speech outlining her primary objects to contemporary feminism. Item one: “Today’s movement takes a very dim view of men.”
And here is the problem with the play and with the gender feminist* philosophy that informs it: Most men are not brutes. They are not oppressors. Yes, there are […] Continue reading
Posted in Christina Hoff Sommers, Syndicated feeds
Response to Christina Hoff Sommers, part 1: Ovulars instead of Seminars?
Christina Hoff Sommers criticizes feminist professors for using the made-up word “ovulars” — but in the last quarter-century, practically the only person who’s used the word is… Christina Hoff Sommers. Continue reading
Posted in Christina Hoff Sommers, Syndicated feeds
Anorexia Nervosa, Obesity, Moral Panic and Christina Hoff Sommers
Jill and Piny both have good posts at Feministe regarding Anorexia Nervosa. My favorite quote is from Jill’s post: And as for denial, on a most basic level, fuck that. Sorry, but why are the values of self-sacrifice only brought … Continue reading
Frustrated, horrified, frightened, dismayed, disgusted, appalled....