Category Archives: Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc.

Cartoon: Free Speech on Campus

In the first draft of this cartoon, the first panel went out of its way to make fun of Emma Camp’s New York Times article about students being afraid to say controversial things. Camp described her own freedom of speech being threatened when … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc., Palestine & Israel | 6 Comments  

Cartoon: G.O.P. Approved History

Welcome back to artist R. E. Ryan! This is the second cartoon he’s done with me; I certainly hope there’ll be more. In 2019, the New York Times published The 1619 Project, an anthology of essays and other works arguing … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Colonialism, Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc., Education, Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc. | Comments Off  

The Free Speech Absolutist

Please, please pass me that water, he said. Oh sure I said but first have you considered supporting my Patreon? Water for God’s sake just pass me the water he said. Absolutely! But by the way, you can pledge really … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc. | Comments Off  

Cartoon: The Constant Cacophony of Cancelling Cancel Culture

If you enjoy these cartoons, help us make more by supporting my Patreon! This particularly rapid unintelligible patter isn’t generally read and if it is it doesn’t matter. This is one of my occasional cartoons written and drawn (relatively) quickly … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc. | Comments Off  

The Anti-Critical Race Theory Movement Advocates Censorship

(Transcript of cartoon.) In a recent open thread, Fibi writes: [David Goldberg’s article “The War on Critical Race Theory“] is a long, interesting, but ultimately unpersuasive article. It’s certainly true that many on the right (and the left) don’t map … Continue reading

Posted in Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc. | Comments Off  

Cartoon: Defending Free Speech

__________________________________________________________ Help me make more cartoons like this one by supporting my Patreon! A $1 or $2 pledge really helps. ____________________________________________________________ I have three complaints about the way mainstream pundits treat the “campus speech” issue. First of all, they vastly … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc., Media criticism | Comments Off  

Fosta-Sesta and The Art Of Not Listening

If you like these cartoons, please help me make more by supporting my Patreon! A $1 pledge really matters. This is sort of a “guilty obligation” comic.  :-p By which I mean, it makes me furious that our pundit class … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Elections and politics, Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc., Sex work, porn, etc | Comments Off  

No, Colleges Aren’t Banning The Vagina Monologues

The popular vblogger Laci Green, in her most recent video, said: Colleges are banning hugely impactful feminist works like The Vagina Monologues because it implies that some women have vaginas. This is a common claim – but as far as … Continue reading

Posted in Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc., Transsexual and Transgender related issues | Comments Off  

Cartoon: On Stopping Bigots From Speaking

If you enjoy these cartoons, please support them on Patreon. :-) I’m not shy about being partisan; most of my cartoons are unambiguously from the left. But I don’t agree with all lefties about everything. This is one of the … Continue reading

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc. | Comments Off  

On Wedding Cakes, Gay Weddings, And Free Speech

This is a reply to a comment left by MJJ on the Muslim Ban thread. I’m putting my response here, and hopefully further discussion of this issue will move to this thread. I didn’t think Melissa’s cakes has gone bankrupt? … Continue reading

Posted in Free speech, censorship, copyright law, etc., Same-Sex Marriage | Comments Off