More “supporting legal immigration” news: At least two Oregon nonprofits – and I suspect, many similar ones across the country…
I think there's a bug. The image is the same as the previous comic, but the description under it (and…
I can’t wait for RonF to explain how this gibes with his pro-legal immigration stance.
More "supporting legal immigration" news: At least two Oregon nonprofits - and I suspect, many similar ones across the country…
Category Archives: Sex
What I’m Reading – Male Lust: Pleasure, Power, and Transformation
This book, Male Lust: Pleasure, Power, and Transformation, has been on my shelf since the early 2000s. Back then, it was at the top of my to-read list, but circumstances intervened and so I am only picking it up now. I’ve … Continue reading
Posted in Gender and the Body, Sex
MRAs and Anti-Feminists Have Ruined Complaining About Being Single
Remember the 1955 movie “Marty”? It was a respected oldie when I was a kid (it’s one of only two films to win both the Best Picture Oscar and the Cannes Palme d’Or), but it’s now pretty obscure. I saw … Continue reading
Posted in Anti-feminists and their pals, Sex
Tonight, I’ve Been Thinking About Sex
I am trying to remember the first time I understood, really understood, that sex was nothing but touch, that I wanted the sex I had to be about finding ways to touch people that would leave them feeling fully and … Continue reading
Posted in Sex
Unclear on the Contraception
This notion that birth control pills are now “free,” as Romney claimed in his conference call to donors, needs to end. They are now simply covered by health insurance, which many of us pay for via hefty monthly premiums. We’re actually getting someth… Continue reading
S&M Aftercare… Or Brainwashing?
[Crossposted from Clarisse Thorn’s blog.] Yes, it’s another article about abuse and S&M, but I’m going to cover a lot more than that. I’ll talk about intimacy and bodily reactions and how these things build a relationship — whether consensual … Continue reading
Posted in Sex
Writing about Sex Roles: A Book by Clarisse Thorn and an Essay by Me
For a couple of years now, Clarisse Thorn has been interviewing and hanging out with the community of pick-up artists, a community she finds fascinating and… well, from a feminist perspective, sort of problematic, too. There’s an unbelievably compelling thing … Continue reading
Thanks for pointing that out! I can't believe I did that. The post has been updated with the correct cartoon.…