Here’s a little Schadenfreude to start the week off right:
The Minnesota Republican Party’s financial woes continue with the filing last week of eviction papers that could oust the party from its headquarters in a St. Paul building.
Politics in Minnesota notes that the state GOP is nearly $100,000 in arrears on its rent for the office at 525 Park St., not far from the state Capitol. Building owner Hub Properties has filed the eviction paperwork in Ramsey County Court, and records show the party signed a 10-year lease in 2003 calling for $6,881 a month, the story says.
No rent has been paid since August, and party leaders say they’re trying to renegotiate the lease and hope they aren’t evicted.
They’re the party of fiscal and personal responsibility, ladies and gentlemen! The party that opposes spending money on schools and roads and infrastructure because taxes might go up. The party that would blast a poor person who was kicked out of their $600-a-month apartment because they couldn’t scrape the money together. The party that views welfare as a moral failing. The party that spearheaded bankruptcy “reform.”
But the Minnesota GOP would like you to know that this is all a myth perpetrated by the lamestream media. Minnesota GOP chair and former Enron lobbyist1 Pat Shortridge issued a statement that called them to task for their mendacity.
In light of an exaggerated press story in a publication this morning, we wanted to make sure you were aware of it. The MNGOP is not being ‘kicked out’ of its offices.
See! Take that!
While we have successfully negotiated with our creditors in most cases, our landlord took the unfortunate step, which they are certainly within their rights to do, of bringing the matter to court.
Yeah! They haven’t been kicked out yet! There’s still a court hearing to attend to. Then they’ll be kicked out.
Remember, these people accuse Democrats of being unable to balance the books. But then, these people also believe that you can cut taxes and increase revenue; math has never been their strong suit.
1 I am not making this up.
Whoa whoa whoa here! $100,000 in arrears?
That’s not a landlord/tenant dispute; that’s an unreported political contribution!
But at least they’re not claiming that they have a right to office space and that the rest of us should pay for it since they can’t afford it.
So, given this is Minnesota, would the next step be “One burger, one brat, one beer”? Although that’s probably more Wisconsin than Minnesota.