Author Archives: Julie

Parents are pretty stupid nowadays

Luckily, yet another childless person is willing to tell us how stupid we are! Thank goodness! Because, to be honest, it’d been almost ten minutes since the last time someone without children graced me with their opinion on how much … Continue reading

Posted in Baby & kid blogging, Breastfeeding & Lactivism | 22 Comments

Other Life Forms Release Party!

Hey! I wrote a novel. And that novel is coming out this weekend! And you should come to the release party! There will be champagne and a zine-making table! You can win a free copy of the book! YAY. Here’s … Continue reading

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Women and Children

Some recent quotes from Feministe: Ha. Sure. Yes, it is your children’s RIGHT to scream in a restaurant, and you are definitely not going to interfere or tolerate a dirty look from another patron who does not enjoy hearing screams … Continue reading

Posted in Baby & kid blogging, Class, poverty, labor, & related issues, Feminism, sexism, etc | 21 Comments

A quick thought on Todd Akin

Although, really, a quick thought is far more than this guy deserves. I wish people got this much attention for saying something really smart (which isn’t to say that we shouldn’t take notice when people with power believe this shit). … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion & reproductive rights, Conservative zaniness, right-wingers, etc. | 41 Comments

Interview with Cynthia Dewi Oka

Remember how, long, long ago, I was starting a small press? Well! Dinah Press is getting a slow start, but we’re getting ready to release our first two books–Other Life Forms, a novel by moi; and nomad of salt and … Continue reading

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Analyses of Trayvon Martin’s Murder

Two important pieces on the broader issues behind Trayvon’s death. First, from the Crunk Feminist Collective: In this post- most-racial moment*, we must seriously re-evaluate this narrative of linear historical progress that we are beholden to. No, Black men don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Race, racism and related issues | 28 Comments

Reminder: Support Dinah Press!

Just poppin’ in to say that Dinah Press only has a few days left in its fundraising drive. We’ve received a very generous non-Pay Pal donation, plus some preorders, so we’re actually a lot closer to our goal than the … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Open Letter from Port Truck Drivers

For more information on Occupy the Ports, see the official site. From “An Open Letter from America’s Port Truck Drivers on Occupy the Ports:” Today’s demonstrations will impact us. While we cannot officially speak for every worker who shares our … Continue reading

Posted in Class, poverty, labor, & related issues | 23 Comments

News from White Land

Karnythia sort of beat me to this, but I found two very interesting news items yesterday. One comes from James Fallows’ blog on The Atlantic, courtesy of an anonymous reader: You all (and by you all I mean whites, yes … Continue reading

Posted in police brutality, Race, racism and related issues | 25 Comments

Dinah Press Lives!

Remember, about a year and a half ago, when I posted that I was starting up a small press?  Well, after many, many months of planning and work, we’ve finally gone live! Dinah Press ( publishes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry … Continue reading

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