More “supporting legal immigration” news: At least two Oregon nonprofits – and I suspect, many similar ones across the country…
I think there's a bug. The image is the same as the previous comic, but the description under it (and…
I can’t wait for RonF to explain how this gibes with his pro-legal immigration stance.
More "supporting legal immigration" news: At least two Oregon nonprofits - and I suspect, many similar ones across the country…
Category Archives: Disabled Rights & Issues
Cartoon: Service Animal Blues
Another collaboration with Nadine Scholtes, who has quickly become a fixture. I asked Nadine if there were any topics that she’d particularly like to do a cartoon about, and she surprised me by saying “something about service dogs. Like people … Continue reading
MORE Things To Stop Telling Autistic People
Almost a year ago, I posted the cartoon “Things To Stop Saying To Autistic People,” drawn by Becky. Becky and I were both pleased with how it came up, and there is, alas, tons of material there. So, have a … Continue reading
Cartoon: Things To Stop Saying To Autistic People
This cartoon is another collab between me and Becky Hawkins. If you like these cartoons then these cartoons like you too. They sit up at night thinking about you, but not in a creepy way. But they do it all … Continue reading
Cartoon: Touch My Face, Dammit!
If you like these cartoons, help us make more by supporting my patreon! Every dollar of support goes directly to neighborhood goats who eat them and poop out sustainable rainbows. I sometimes read forums for disabled people (ones that are … Continue reading
Cartoon: So Inspiring!
The guest artist for this cartoon is Nidhi Naroth. Nidhi’s work has a vibrancy I love – even their desaturated colors somehow glow. I asked Nidhi for a two-sentence bio: “Nidhi is a queer artist with roots in South Asia. They … Continue reading
Cartoon: You’re So Brave, I’d Rather Be Dead
Help me make more cartoons at my Patreon! A $1 or $2 pledge really matters. I’m not disabled, so the first time I heard a disabled person say that ablebodied people repeatedly tell them “I’d rather be dead!,” it boggled … Continue reading
Goodbye, Kay Olson
Long time “Alas” readers may remember Kay Olson, aka Blue, whose blog The Gimp Parade I linked to frequently. Kay was one of my favorite bloggers, and I learned a lot from her. But she stopped updating The Gimp Parade … Continue reading
Posted in Disabled Rights & Issues
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Cartoon: “Too Much Foam”
If you enjoy these cartoons, and can spare it, please support my Patreon! This is one of a couple of cartoons I’ve recently written on the subject of abled people putting the disabled up on a pedestal. (After getting some … Continue reading
“Unlocking the Garret” – a new essay by Mandolin, for the “Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction” Kickstarter
Check out this essay by Mandolin! “Unlocking the Garret” by Rachel Swirsky Excerpt: It’s in the stereotype. The artist of tempestuous temperament who drinks to excess as he stumbles, lean and tuberculotic, up the winding steps to his garret. Van … Continue reading
Posted in Disability Issues, Disabled Rights & Issues
Why Feminists Shouldn’t Use “Neckbeard”
My newest “Everyday Feminism” cartoon. TRANSCRIPT OF CARTOON (At the top of the cartoon, large cartoon-style letters spell out “NECKBEARD.” Each letter is growing stubble hairs out of its lowest third.) (Behind all the panels is a large drawing of … Continue reading
Thanks for pointing that out! I can't believe I did that. The post has been updated with the correct cartoon.…