Category Archives: Health Care and Related Issues

The Individual Mandate And The Constitution

In this week’s open threads — mostly this one, also a bit here — there’s been quite a bit of discussion of the Constitutionality of the individual mandate provision of the Affordable Care Act. There are two senses in which … Continue reading

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A Chronic Pain Patients Bill Of Rights

I came across this, and thought it worth reproducing here. A Chronic Pain Patients Bill Of Rights 1. I have the right to have my pain believed by health professionals, family, friends and others around me. Patients: The person in … Continue reading

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How To Avoid Being Seen As A Drug-Seeker (if you have chronic pain)

(This is a comment Jake Squid left on a prior thread on “Alas.” Jake’s wife has had chronic pain for 12 years. –Amp) Almost anything you do, if you suffer chronic pain, is viewed as drug seeking behavior. Going to … Continue reading

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The Government's Cruel War On Pain Medication

Several years ago, Mark Kleiman wrote a long, well-researched article on drug policy which was so overflowing with being sensible that it has no chance of being paid any attention to in legislative circles. Most of the article was focused … Continue reading

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More Americans Are For Expanding Than Repealing Health Care Reform

A new poll by Kaiser and Harvard shows the problem the Republicans have: the only thing as unpopular as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would be to repeal the Affordable Care Act. 28% of Americans want to expand the ACA; … Continue reading

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Republicans Want To Take Insurance Away From Sick And Raise The Deficit $230 Billion

In the House today, Republicans are arguing for a repeal of the Affordable Care Act. A few points: 1) The Republicans want to leave up to 129 million Americans with pre-existing conditions without protection. According to the Department of Health … Continue reading

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The Wyden-Brown Health Care Proposal: Will Conservative States Put Their Money Where Their Mouths Are?

Mid puff-piece about how Democrat Ron Wyden and Republican Scott Brown are, like, totally this odd couple!, the Washington Post inadvertently discusses Wyden and Brown’s policy proposal for a single paragraph: In short, the legislation would allow states to opt … Continue reading

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Doctors are doing it wrong

All! I know I haven’t been able to shut up about my medical problems lately, but I want to call your attention to this NYT article from a few days ago. First, though, let me express my deep thanks to … Continue reading

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Nine-Minute Cartoon Explains The Affordable Care Act

And it does an impressively good job of it.

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What Is Good Health Care When We're Dying?

(Crossposted on “Alas” and on “TADA.”) In The New Yorker, Atul Gawande has an excellent article on how the American health care system treats dying patients. In 2008, the national Coping with Cancer project published a study showing that terminally … Continue reading

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