About Elon's Nazi salute, I'll again post this video, which shows Elon's salute side by side with the salute as…
The only thing a beggar provides you with is a blessing/karma, which has no economic value, although I would still…
Well, clearly at least one does. God knows Musk doesn’t have to work another day in his life and hasn’t…
"People are afraid that if they give a beggar money they’ll use it to buy drugs or booze." Yep, people…
Category Archives: Race, racism and related issues
Cartoon: Founding Father Wisdom, Featuring Thomas Jefferson
If you like these cartoons, please support them on Patreon This cartoon is drawn by the awesome Leah S. Metters! Leah describes herself as “an illustrator and visual development artist working hard to create amazing books and comics so she … Continue reading →
Teach MLK Not CRT
I make a living drawing cartoons because of lots of people pledging small amounts to my Patreon. $1 or $2 helps a lot! Sadly, I had to cut all the MLK quotes way down to fit this tiny four-panel format. … Continue reading →
Cartoon: One Day At The Critical Race Theory Menace Convention
If you like this cartoon, help me make more by supporting my Patreon. Thanks! The “Critical Race Theory” (aka CRT) panic won’t last forever – sooner or later, the right will move on to a new term to fearmonger about. … Continue reading →
Cartoon: White People (But With Subtitles)
Help me make more cartoons by supporting my Patreon! (Patrons got to see this cartoon over two months ago!) I started work on this cartoon on November 28, 2006. (Or at least, that’s when my computer tells me this file … Continue reading →
Cartoon: Triheads vs Squareheads
This cartoon is a collaboration between myself (script and lettering), Becky Hawkins (classroom scenes), and Naomi Rubin (Triheads vs Squareheads scenes). If you like these cartoons, help me make more (and help me pay my swell collaborators!) by supporting my … Continue reading →
Cartoon: Do We Blame the Chinese or the Jews?
If you like these cartoons, help me make more at my Patreon! A $1 or $2 pledge really matters. I wish I could say that I’m making up these conspiracy theories, I really do. But I’m not. I’m really not. … Continue reading →
Cartoon: Back Then, No One Knew Blackface Is Offensive
If you like these cartoons, please help me make more by supporting my Patreon! I make a living mostly off of a bunch of fans pledging just $1 or $2. The Frederick Douglass quote in this cartoon is a paraphrase; … Continue reading →
Cartoon: Token White Male Character
I can only make these cartoons because of my supporters on Patreon! If you can spare it, please join them! A $1 pledge really matters. If you don’t pay attention to online discussions of diversity in media, well then: Good … Continue reading →
Cartoon: Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
If you enjoy my cartoons, help me make more by supporting my patreon. A $1 pledge really helps! This is a cartoon from July, but I can’t find it on “Alas” or on leftycartoons.com, so I suspect I forgot to … Continue reading →
Cartoon: Say I’m Not A Racist!
Support me on Patreon – it’s how I make my living! A $1 pledge really helps. This cartoon was inspired by a public argument in Congress back in February: Cohen accused Trump of being “a racist” as a way to … Continue reading →
When you're defending nazi salutes, you're telling me that you're a nazi.