I love Rhoda. Although I wonder how many Hereville readers will know who she is without having to click on the link?
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I love Rhoda. Although I wonder how many Hereville readers will know who she is without having to click on the link?
I do! She started out as the upstairs neighbor on the Mary Tyler Moore show. She and Mary soon became best friends. She was a popular character who got spun off into her own series, where they took a lot of her interesting characteristics away. She went from being single to getting married and when that didn’t work she got divorced and the show just sort of faded away. I loved Rhoda, she was funny and sarcastic and a great character. I was sad when the character got toned down to fit into a series.
The old ones.
I liked Rhoda too.
My old broadway queen boss at the LA Gay & Lesbian Center would call me Rhoda whenever I wore a headscarf to work. That’s how I learned about her. Glad I did, too. She’s rad
I’m not (that) old! The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Rhoda were both on Nick at Nite when I was in high school, and I absolutely fell in love with Rhoda. You know, what with her kicking ass and rocking hard.
Totally dug Rhoda. And her sister Brenda. And Carlton the doorman.
Carlton the doorman! It made me smile just reading his name. He was hilarious.
I wanted to be Rhoda when I grew up. Mary was too tidy for me. I loved Rhoda’s clothes and apartment and that she was a bit of a mess.
Sage – yes, her messiness was definitely part of her appeal. Loved her strong willed red-headed mother as well. What was her character’s name?
Richard – I think it was brilliant to have a character in the show we never see but know by his voice – his clueless but well meaning voice!
I loved Valerie Harper’s character on the MTM Show, but then, that entire cast was brilliant, even the smallest of bit parts. The spin-offs weren’t as strong, but how could they have been? Rhoda’s sister (voice of Marge Simpson currently) was great on Rhoda’s show, too.
I’m surprised those brain cells have survived all these years, I thought I had flushed most of them by now!
Thanks for the flashback…
From memory, I think the Nancy Walker character (Rhoda’s mom) was Ida Morgenstern.
Rhoda is my favorite character ever on television. I, actually, think that the Rhoda character became even funnier and more interesting with every phase of her spin-off. So, I disagree when people say that the Rhoda show failed. 110 episodes and 17 Emmy nods (as well as two wins) is not failure. Valerie Harper, Julie Kavner, and Nancy Walker were perfect together and the writing and direction were always pinpoint.
I have been a fan of Rhoda since she was on television back in the 1970s. Her character was, and still is, a refreshing change from the mundane cookie cutout female leads in a television series. I even liked her more than Mary Tyler Moore’s character. Rhoda was living in a real world, one that did not provide easy access opportunities, but instead one whereby she faced losing jobs, bad dates, divorce, etc. All the while, she would poke fun at the situation and go about her day. I also to this day loved her wardrobe both on the Mary Tyler Moore Show and in her own series. Cheers to you Rhoda!
Michael Murphy