Push-polling from Gaybashers

I just got a polling phone call. The “pollster” was a prerecorded voice controlled by a computer, which could recognize if I said “yes” or “no.” This is a paraphrase, but I think I’ve got the gist of it.

POLL: “Are you planning to vote in the election on November 4?”
ME: “Yes.”

POLL: “Are you planning to vote ‘yes’ on Measure 36, the measure to stop gay marriage?”
ME: “No.”

POLL: “In Massachusetts, where gay marriage is legal, the schools are now teaching the gay lifestyle to children in kindergarten classes. Are you concerned this might happen in Oregon if Measure 36 fails?”
ME: “No.”

The recording then thanked me and hung up. (I wish I had answered “yes” to the last question, to see what the follow-up was….)

I suspect the recording (if it has any factual basis at all) was referring to some liberal Massachusetts community where “Heather has Two Mommies” or something similar is read to schoolchildren. But it’s safe to guess that liberal Massachusetts communities would be doing that regardless of if same-sex marriage existed or not. “Heather has Two Mommies,” after all, was being assigned in some schools for many years before the Goodridge decision.

But that isn’t the point. The point is, the Measure 36 people want you to be afraid that gay pedophiles are coming after your children! Everyone knows gays recruit children!

It’s no different from the covert appeal to racism in the “Willie Horton” commercial, or the way anti-Semites refer to the “blood libel” myth when insulting Jews. When push comes to shove, the Measure 36 folks are just another group of hateful bigots.

The anti-same-sex-marriage movement is not being driven by ivory-tower concerns about the divorce rate or the state of marriage; it’s being driven by a huge mass of Christian fundimentalists who believe they have the duty to force everyone else in the USA to abide by their religion’s rules, and who can’t stand the idea of children being taught to tolorate different kinds of families. For more on the subject, check out the Village Voice’s article on the “Mayday for Marriage” rally, and Salon’s article on Ohio’s anti-gay ballot measure.

P.S. The “poll” call came from 571-522-1899. Is there any way to find out who owns that number?

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62 Responses to Push-polling from Gaybashers

  1. tikae says:

    I checked out a reverse phone directory site and it said:

    “The phone number “(571) 522-1899″ is a Braddock, VA based phone number and the registered carrier is Verizon Virginia, Inc.”

    That’s the most you can get for free, as far as I know.

  2. jam says:

    hmmm… i can’t tell you whose phone that is, but i can point out that the number itself, minus the area code, is part of the sequencing for Ribosomal protein S7e!

    i know. i’m no help…

  3. kyburg says:

    It’s in Virginia, and unlisted. Thugs.

  4. Robert says:

    From the MA health curriculum, available online at http://www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks/health/1999/1099.pdf

    Page 28 mentions that definitions of sexual orientation will be made in pre-K through fifth grades.

    So that’s what they’re talking about in their push poll.

    I’m not a Christian fundamentalist, and I’m not concerned that someone’s children might be taught tolerance. I am concerned about what values my children are taught; fortunately, I have lots of recourse in that department. There are a lot of people who don’t have my options, though, and I can understand why they would be upset.

    Amp, if you had kids, and the only school you could afford to send your kids to taught values that were morally wrong to you, wouldn’t you be upset? I think that folks on all sides of the fence have to understand the special status of public schools. They’re the school of last resort for all, and the school of only resort for many. Regardless of the merits of a particular piece of social advocacy, using the schools for such advocacy is inevitably going to trample on someone.

  5. Matt says:

    Well, they won’t be very effective as push-pollers if they’re telling people the election is on November 4th!

    The trick is to identify the people who won’t vote for you FIRST, and THEN follow up with misleading information about when and where the polls are open. Oh well–not everyone can be a Karl Rove!

  6. Amanda says:

    Well, you can’t vote against the existence of gay people, so even if it’s banned, it still is a sexual orientation.

    Gay marriage isn’t what makes gayness a fact. Gay is gay is gay. People who don’t their kids to know facts need to take them out of school.

  7. Charles says:

    Unfortunately, I can’t access that pdf.

    So Robert, does the fact that that is a policy established in 1999 not have any effect on your believing it is being forced through due to gay marriage being legalized? Now the homosexual menace can time travel? Who knew!

    Anyway, doesn’t everyone now claim to believe in tolerance (even our fundie president does) of gays? How does this education policy differ meaningfully from teaching tolerance?

    Naturally, it is a bummer to have the public schools teaching tolerance of things you hate, but homophobes are now moving into the same category as clansmen and communists (at least in some states): their preferences no longer set public policy.

  8. Dan J says:

    Exactly. Amanda. Saying you’re morally opposed to homosexuality is like saying you’re morally opposed to blue eyes. It’s like, “good for you, but so what?”

    And gay people send their kids to public schools, too. And what’s more, we all pay the taxes that make public schools possible, regardless of our moral positions on anything. And inevitably, some of those schoolchildren are going to grow up to be gay. Isn’t it best to present it to kids as just another characteristic? If their parents want to screw them up in the privacy of their own homes, great. But the public school is a public forum. It’s for everyone, like it or not.

  9. Robert says:

    You’re making assumptions about what I believe, Charles. Amp was curious as to what the heck the push poll was talking about; so was I, so I looked it up.

    Most everyone believes in “tolerance”. Many people think there is a difference between tolerance and normalization, and what you think of as tolerance I may think of as normalization. Like the man on South Park said, I have to tolerate you; that doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re a freak.

    In your last paragraph, are you making an empiricist argument that once a viewpoint has a majority, it’s OK for the public schools to reinforce it?

  10. Charles says:


    While my tone was excessively snide, the point remains: the push poll was (as expected) flat-out lying. The policy they refer to 1) doesn’t teach the “gay lifestyle,” but teaches terminology in neutral terms (so that children will understand what their parents are talking about when they rail against the ho-mo-sek-su-als?); and 2) was introduced five years before the thing which they claimed caused the policy.

    Thanks very much for looking it up, by the way. It is useful to have confirmation that they are indeed flat-out lying.

    And yes, when a vast super-majority agrees on something, then the public schools will reinforce it, whether either of us likes it or not (as a socialist, I don’t care much for the fact that public schools glorify capitalism, but I don’t really expect it to change).

    As to tolerance vs. normalization, there really isn’t anything in that policy that even hints at normalization. Furthermore, the president has clearly stated (in the last debate) a preference for normalization. This suggests that preference for normalization is moving towards the super-majority position. Too bad for those who don’t like it, but so it goes. The institutions of the culture teach the culture.

  11. Charles says:

    If anyone is having problems with the pdf that Robert linked to, the same info can be found at http://www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks/health/1999/physical.html#repro

  12. Hestia says:

    Public schools should be in the business (so to speak) of teaching facts. Telling kids, “This is what the word ‘homosexual’ means,” is not only responsible, but necessary. It isn’t about values; it isn’t about advocacy; it isn’t about saying, “Homosexuality is great!” It’s about supplying kids with information that’ll help them in dealing with current events and the world in general.

    Somehow I doubt they’ll follow the definition with, “…and you should all go out and become one.”

  13. Charles says:

    Amp, have you emailed this to the Oregonian and the local tv stations?

  14. zuzu says:

    Saying you’re morally opposed to homosexuality is like saying you’re morally opposed to blue eyes. It’s like, “good for you, but so what?”

    Come on, Dan, don’t you know it’s a choice! You’re all deviants!

    People will always complain when they see the public schools presenting something without judgment that they view with a lot of judgment or can’t accept. I mean, look at evolution.

  15. sara says:

    What is so infuriating is that the Christian right’s opposition to value-neutral sexual education is another instance of the extreme right’s use of the claim of “reverse discrimination.” As in: I am being discriminated against because I am being thwarted in my right to exercise bigotry, prejudice, hate speech, and religious discrimination.

    I thought these same Christians were for private schooling and home-schooling. No, they want to own the country. Their ancestors came here seeking religious freedom and the separation of Church and State, since Protestants were persecuted in England and elsewhere. Now they want to be the State.

    It isn’t about “tolerance”; we (gay and pro-gay) should be framing the argument in terms of fundamental civil rights and liberties.

  16. Lots more on Communique. If trackbacks are on here, there should be a pointer.

  17. Aaron V. says:

    Yeah, those fuckers called us, too. I responded to their third question with a rant about “homosexuality should be taught in schools, blah blah blah.” When they asked for yes or no, I said, “Fuck NO.”

    Then I called their parent company up at (703) 234-2200 and told them that I was voting NO on 36 (explaining the issue) and telling them that I’m not going to enshrine bigotry in the Oregon Constitution. I would advise others to do so, especially during the day, to flood their switchboard.

  18. Amanda says:

    I find blue eyes morally offensive in fact and I would rather not have schools teach children that some people have them.

    Yes, I realize their classmates may have blue eyes. I also realize I have blue eyes. That doesn’t mean that these immoral blue-eyed people have to be accepted. Doesn’t matter. Jesus hates blue eyes and you are intolerant of my religion if you tell my children that blue eyes exist.

  19. Sheelzebub says:

    Like the man on South Park said, I have to tolerate you; that doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re a freak.

    If you are going to get self-righteous over people making assumptions about you, kindly note how the above comment comes across.

  20. Ampersand says:

    I mentioned this to Charles verbally, but it might be useful if I repeated it here: Robert’s post did not, as far as I can tell, defend the push-polling or say that it’s legitimate for them to bring up Massachusetts public school policy to argue against same-sex marriage in Oregon. As far as I can tell, Robert was only clarifying what the specific policy in Massachusetts being referred to was.

    I am going to reply further to Robert, but I think I’ll do so in a separate post.

  21. Paul Berge says:

    They’re discussing the origin of these calls at http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/10/300261.shtml#14743 (if someone can correctly link to the proper post, thanks).

    One writer says the call ends by saying it was from the Parents’ Education Association:

    “I got this nonsense on my answering machine. At the end it said it was the Parents Education Association. Here’s their Voter Guide statement (and true agenda):
    “‘Measure 36 Argument in Favor
    “‘Argument in Favor

    “‘Our nation’s laws are excellent teachers for young people. All laws attempt to draw a line, to say something is good, or something is not good and should be discouraged. Oregon’s laws have always limited marriage to a union between one man and one woman, establishing a policy that only male-female marriage is proper.

    “‘Now, some are calling for Oregon to put its stamp of approval on same-sex marriage, a practice that God in the Bible clearly calls wrong. Obviously, this would be a significant change in public policy that would influence the values of many young people.

    “‘The proponents of same-sex marriage have used activist judges in their attack on traditional marriage. But the problem is not ultimately activist judges. If Oregonians decided that stealing was good, we would approve of judges overturning the will of the people, because God says stealing is wrong. If our culture was traditionally homosexual, we would call for overturning a tradition that is wrong.

    “‘The question is, should the State of Oregon put its stamp of approval on what God has clearly said is wrong? Right and wrong are not ultimately determined by people, but by the God who created them. Rulers are to rule in a way that pleases Jesus Christ. When they do, they act in the best interests of all people. Youth thinking about entering into same-sex intimate relationships should not be encouraged by the government, but discouraged from something that brings God’s displeasure.

    “‘There is no automatic right to marry. You have to be of age, you can’t marry a close relative, you can’t marry more than one person at a time, and you must marry someone of the opposite sex. This is the line we have always drawn here in Oregon, and it is the right line. It pleases God and helps our youth.

    “‘Dennis Tuuri for the Parents Education Association
    “‘Box 847, Canby, OR 97013 503-263-8337 peapac.org ‘”

  22. TazzBo says:

    I do not believe same sex marriage is a civil rights issue. I believe it is a special rights issue. The homosexual activists have forced this issue. Don’t blame our President or Christians who I believe for the most part believe that their behavior is not only a sin but a dangerous lifestyle and not a good model for raising children. Call it something other than marriage. I hereby propose the following term: MIRAGE. SSM partners can apply for a MIRAGE license.
    According to Webster, the term stands for “something illusory and unattainable”.

  23. TazzBo says:

    I do not believe same sex marriage is a civil rights issue. I believe it is a special rights issue. The homosexual activists have forced this issue. Don’t blame our President or Christians who I believe for the most part believe that their behavior is not only a sin but a dangerous lifestyle and not a good model for raising children. Call it something other than marriage. I hereby propose the following term: MIRAGE. SSM partners can apply for a MIRAGE license.
    According to Webster, the term stands for “something illusory and unattainable”.

  24. Amanda says:

    Dude, at least everyone else tries to use logic.

  25. Steve says:

    …it all comes down to this….”gay rights” and “gay marriage” are just attempts to normalize a deviant behavior. I fully believe it is the gay and lesbian community that are the extremely intolerant ones. Flaunting their sexual lifestyle in our faces….calling me mentally ill (homophobic) because I think believe differently…..only makes things a lot worse.

    I mean, no law will make me like you! It only divides us more.

  26. Amanda says:

    Men are deviant–49% of the population is not a majority. Lock ’em up, I say.

  27. Hestia says:

    Yes, indeed! Why do men get special rights? For example, they pee standing up. That’s disgusting! We should totally ban urinals. Make ’em use the stalls like the rest of us normal people.

  28. Merie says:

    Grr, I just got a phone call about Issue 1 in ohio (a ban on gay marriages) and it was a stupid stupid stupid computerized voice telling me that gay people are deviant and their basic human rights should be denied, violated and so on and so on. Mmgrph, how dare they?

    If you’re in ohio, Vote NO on Issue 1 this November. Civil marriages as granted by the state is a legal reinforcement of the emotional connection between two people. How two men or two women claiming responsibility for eachother is a bad thing and threataning towards a heterosexual marriage is beyond me.

    I am the happy grown child of two long-term committed lesbian women who aren’t sure when to celebrate their anniversary because they can’t get married. If I had been in the hospital, my “other” (non biological) mom couldn’t have gotten in to see me. If she was in the hospital I couldn’t have gotten to see her (my parents have medical power of attorney so they could have seen eachother).

    The only good thing that came from their not being married parents of me is when it came time to fill out my college FAFSA form my (biological) mom isn’t the breadwinner of the family, but the legal system didn’t count my “other” mom’s income so I got lotsa federal aid! Free money = :)

    Vote NO for issue 1 (in ohio) this Election. Kerry so totally ownzor Bush too. (Vote Kerry.)

  29. Cheri says:

    I live in OH and have caller ID. The phone rang not two minutes ago, and I didn’t answer it. The phone number mentioned in the entry was displayed in the caller ID. Glad I didn’t pick up the phone on this one. Or maybe I should have and given them MY opinion (not what they would have wanted to hear, I can assure you.)

  30. k mulligan says:

    I found this site because that number (571-522-1899) was on my caller ID. When I searched for that number I this blog showed up. I am in GA–k

  31. Tom says:

    I too am in OH and got the call from 571-522-1899. Five times in three days. I never, ever answer my phone unless I know who it is, but the volume of the calls made me search online for information on this number and I found this site. Now I know it’s some stupid political action group. My views were formulated through 34 years of life. No computer voice will change my thoughts on a topic a week from the election.

    BTW Hestia, I’m a man, and I do use the stall, even to pee. I’m bashful that way. :)

  32. alsis38 says:

    Isn’t it deviant for a man to use the stall when there’s a perfectly good urinal right there ?

  33. Marianne says:


    Rulers are to rule in a way that pleases Jesus Christ.


  34. alsis38 says:



    (Aaron’s gonna’ kill me for stealing his joke.)


  35. Heidi says:

    I got this phone call too- I am furious! I’m a mom, and I hope this makes people really mad all by itself. Marriage doesn’t need protection against gays and lesbians. If it needs protection, it is only to protect its pretention of sacredness in an era in which the majority of USA families are unconventional. Look at the stats and tell me how to save marriage as a crutch of status for those who use it for personal gain, and rely on it no matter how bad they are at responsibility or parenting. Are you one who “wants to marry a millionaire?” Are you on your 4th wife or husband? Marriage as an institution is in trouble all right, but not from homosexuals.

    With each “no” of the phone call there was an escalation of the questions – was I concerned that it would create a redefinition of marriage for the rest of us. No (we redefine what marraige means to us with every generation).

    Was I concerned that children would “be deprived of a mother or a father” if this wasn’t passed?
    Are you kidding? Our government pays poor fathers to move out of the house so children can get welfare at all. How about the families that are caretakers of aging parents or sick relatives or people with disabilities? And, just as a matter of common sense, how about all those babies that are up for adoption? Don’t thye neeed someone, anyone who is nice and who will love them? What is wrong with the ethical sense of these people?

    When I tried to say anything at all other than Yes or No, the tape would just say that the next question depended on a yes or no answer. So I said no, no, no, and no, not matter how unethical the questions themselves became – and it was pretty bad.

    I got the same number that you did. Anyone who can find out the origin of the number, let me know. I *69ed it – 571-522-1899. A reverse directory tells me that the phone number “(571) 522-1899” is a Braddock, VA based phone number and the registered carrier is Verizon Virginia, Inc. The search suggestion was for a DC phone book on the number.

    DC, right. They have a computer to call people in Georgia on this? What group is behind this? It was NOT a standard poll. I couldn’t believe the wording on it.

    Is there a smiley icon for “vomiting”?

    Hateful hateful stuff, serious propaganda we are seeing now. I hope it gives everyone else who got that phone call pause – what a creepy Halloween fright.

  36. K.C. says:

    I just received this call (8:42pm EDT) in Atlanta, GA. The call went like this:

    Caller: “This is a 45 second poll from {unrecognized acronym}. Do you plan to vote in the Nov 2 election?”
    Me: Yes

    Caller: “Do you plan Yes to the amendment to recognize a marriage as being an institution between a man and a woman?”
    Me: NO

    Caller: [paraphrasing, I don’t remember exact text:] “If we told you that a marriage between a man and a woman is the cornerstone of our society, would that change your vote?”
    Me: NO

    Caller: “Do you feel that it is moral and just to deny children a familiy of one father and one mother?”
    Me: Fuck You! {click}

    So, I looked up the number here to see who it was and found this blog.

    Calling me to conduct a poll is okay. Calling me to preach one’s views is a bad idea. They could pick better enemies.

    If anyone finds any further information about this organization post it here.

  37. Sergio Méndez says:

    I Love the religious right:

    “I do not believe same sex marriage is a civil rights issue. I believe it is a special rights issue.”

    Yeah..the special right of being treated like an equal citizen and not a second class one.

    “Don’t blame our President or Christians who I believe for the most part believe that their behavior is not only a sin but a dangerous lifestyle and not a good model for raising children.”

    I could care less. They can also believe that the world was created six days ex nihilo, and they will be as wrong as with homosexuality.

    “…it all comes down to this….´gay rights´ and ´gay marriage´ are just attempts to normalize a deviant behavior”

    What the heck is a “deviant behavior”? One that doesn’t accommodate to the bigotry and prejudices of people like you, or one that doesn’t accommodate to the norm (like being left handed)? If it is the second, why is it problematic per se? Why don’t you apply the same standards to other “deviant behavior”? Why for example not to restrict religious liberty in the name that the majority of people is Christian? Or doesn’t the Christian bible say that worshiping other gods is immoral? You can’t even draw the line properly.

  38. Amanda says:

    Personally, I think the biggest threat to modern marriage is Ladies Home Journal and Martha Stewart Living. Just a hunch.

  39. DJohnson says:


    You said: “And yes, when a vast super-majority agrees on something, then the public schools will reinforce it, whether either of us likes it or not.”

    The vast majority don’t agree with gay marriage. That hasn’t stopped the public schools from not reinforcing it. The majority of the country prays to GOD – not budda. And even though we have a separation of church and state, that doesn’t stop the schools from discussing every religion EXCEPT the ones that pray to God. No, what we have are the public schools trying to be liberal and discuss issues to be P.C.

    It’s about making sure children know their ABCs not making sure that they feel good about them. Academics is what the public schools should focus on not social issues.

    You said: “As a socialist, I don’t care much for the fact that public schools glorify capitalism, but I don’t really expect it to change”

    If you’re a socialist and don’t like capitalism, you’re living in the wrong country. America is a capitalist society. If you don’t like it, there are many countries you can move to that share your socialist views. Bigger government isn’t going to solve the problems in our society. Personal responsibility and integrity will.

  40. Jake Squid says:

    Shorter DJohnson: America, love it or leave it. You goddamned commie.

    I dunno about you DJohnson, but I remember being taught about Christianity in school. Pretty extensively. Crusades, reformation, etc. Don’t Christians pray to God? I do not remember being taught about pantheistic South American native religions though. But if you repeat it often enough, maybe it will be true.

  41. delagar says:

    I just love folk like DJohnson — they really know what America is all about.

    America — the land everyone comes to so they can be exactly like DJohnson. Pshaw on this freedon nonsense — we wanta be like DJohnson! Freedom of religion? Nah! Jest give us Jesus on a Stick, cuz DJohnson believes it, so it must be right! Alternate ways of managing the system? Hell no! DJohnson sez do it this way, and if you disagree with DJohnson, you can jest GIT OUT!

    That’s what America is all about.

  42. Amanda says:

    Hey, one thing we can say for certain–Al Qaeda hates gay marriage, too.

  43. Steve B says:

    The “poll” is doing its thing here in Massachusetts as well. My trap showed FEC Research (571) 522-1899 as the caller on three trys and three hangups. For action please review the Telemarketing Fact Sheet at http://www.FCC.gov. I highly recommend writing a complaint to the FCC for ccAdvertising’s violating the DO NOT CALL list, and the illegal use of recorded/simulated voice delivery to residences. The more complaints the better. A copy to the Federal Trade Commission would also help. If enough of us load on these agencies and our representatives on Capitol Hill, we can eliminate this type of abuse.


  44. I got a call from them this morning, and the Caller ID said:


    Hope that helps.

  45. Fred says:

    I traced the number back to this website:


    Go to ask.com and enter the phone number and eventually you will trace back to this company.

  46. tokumei says:

    A little more about the company that made the call….I got a similar call and decided to do a bit more digging using the number that rang up on my caller ID, 571-522-1899. A quick Google search found that this same number has been used this month to make anti-gay push polls in Oregon and Georgia and another partisan poll in Ohio. Further research traced the number back to a company called ccAdvertising. ccAdvertising is a telephone survey company that proclaims itself to be “active in many political campaigns and political initiative[s].” The company is indeed active, as its website proclaims that it has done polls for the NRA and the National Right to Life committee, among others. Also, according to opensecrets.org, ccAdvertising has given nearly $2,000 to the Republican Party during this election cycle with no contributions to the Democratic Party. The company has also been implicated in the abuse of state office in Alaska- http://www.adn.com/senate/v-all/story/5114727p-5005878c.html.

    Pass this info along to as many people as possible, so that we can shine some light on this company and its actions.

  47. Steve says:

    This “poll” tactic sounds like one Nazi Germany would have employed. Go to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC to see what it was like for Jews, Homosexuals, and Gypsies. They had eye charts, nose measuring charts, hair coloring charts to find out if one was to be excluded from the perfect race. No one seemed to notice then or now, that there is no one, sexual orientation included, who is better than another, by that classification alone, especially hitler like persons. Lies make for stange bedfellows. I have been in the same relationship with the same guy for 25 years, have never molested, recruited children, never made any heterosexual married couple feel it necessary to get divorced. Defend marriage against what? Intollerance? Some wish to deny us the very legal vehicle with which we would establish a monogomous, non premiscous relationship. Know me and others before you decide what is just for me.

  48. Steve says:

    I am upset at this Nazi like opinion pushing poll. If indeed the number is owned or was traced back to http://www.freeeats.com, the person who purchased the web site or controls the web site is:

    Joseph, Gabriel
    13800 Coppermine Rd
    Herndon, VA 20171-3408
    703-234-5858 [fax]

    Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
    Joseph, Gabriel
    Centreville, VA 20120
    703/222-4282 [fax]

  49. Og says:

    I got 3 calls in one night. Didn’t answer them. This morning, wondered who 571-522-1899 was and decided to google it. Found your blog and about 3 others, all saying the same thing.

    I guess it’s legal to call if you are conducting a poll, but this is just advertising/soliciting phrased in the form of yes or no questions to mock an actual poll (which would have a semblance of not contaminating answers with leading questions…obviously these ‘questions’ are really opinions prefaced by “do you agree that…” yes/no.

    Anyway, if you aren’t on the donotcall list, get on it. If you are on the list you can file a complaint! It’s easy, just put their phone number in. The more complaints, the more likely something will be done. Here’s the link:


  50. kim says:

    I have received FOUR phone calls from this number in the past two days. They are all from “David Dewherst for the Todd Baxter Campaign.” Todd Baxter is a corrupt republican running for office in texas.
    i am going to file a complaint with do not call. any other ideas? how can i get them to stop calling me?! I’ve already voted, and anyway there’s not a chance in hell i would vote for someone who keeps calling me, especially before 9am on a saturday!!!

  51. Charles says:

    All political calls are protected from the do-not-call list.

    You would be better off calling the David Dewhurst campaign directly and telling them that each time you receive a robo-call from them you give fifty dollars to their opponent. If enough people did this, they would probably rethink their tactics. Of course, it is unlikely that enough people will.

  52. kc says:

    The call that I got from 571-522-1899 was a recorded message from Rep. Senator John Cornyn, asking for my vote to help reelect Rep. Representative Todd Baxter. I’m a registered Democrat, accustomed to getting calls from Democrats, but this year I have gotten calls from Republicans also.

  53. okay says:

    Now, i know that i just skimmed this really briefly to save time and do more research, but most of these comments are mean. What if this business is just trying to get the facts out to people? Is that really all that bad? Instead of spending time in here you could be out doing something to get your point out there too! Now i know im just a kid, but kids are important. If you are taking time to write about them they must be. You see, we try to be like our parents…our hero’s. If our hero’s make wrong choices, we either say, “wow! that was pretty d@mn stupid,” or we go out and do it because, “my mom and/or dad do it” now i dont want to be offensive or anything, but just the idea of being gay kind of scares me. I live in the D.C. area and now i dont just have to look out for any guy that might…you know…do me, but i now have to look out for girls. I am friends with the owners of cox’s farms. A little while ago, they were persecuted because they have a gay daughter…now you cant even tell she is a girl. She even changed her name! It’s just plain creepy. I go look at erin…i mean Aaron…and i just have to tell myself that she isnt the only one. i think gays should get married, just not to each other. well, i know that i should get back to my homework and that the point of a kid doesnt really matter to a bunch of adults. but maybe, just maybe, if you got to know the owner of that business, you guys could work something out. Actually he is really nice. I know him too. Our parents are friends. But again, im just an eighth grader doing her civics homework, and that’s just my opinion, and you have yours. whether we agree or not. Sorry if i took up too much of your time while you read this… um…bye

  54. to aaron v no1 else says:

    1. dont yell at a phone “Fuck no!” it is an inadiment object.
    2. dont complain. you dont have someone who is constintly saying into the fone “yes” or “no”, becuase he previews everything.

  55. Jake Squid says:

    No, no, no! Everybody else is a pantheistic bird worshipper. You Christian cult-members are so clueless! Unlike Christian cult-members, all pantheistic bird worshippers know that the word is “inanimate.” Also, pantheistic bird worshippers don’t pretend to be kids when they write stupid trolling comments on long dead threads.

    So, Christian culties, get off your asses and bring down that wall that seperates church and state so that the silent majority of pantheistic bird worshippers can force you to obey our religion.

  56. i am a kid tho! says:

    i am a kid! i am in mrs. finleys 1st period civics class. NO1 BEILIEVES ME ANY MORE! AND I AM A KID! I SWEAR ON THE HOLY BIBLE! AND BIRD-WATCHING IS GAY!

  57. Dlaieu says:

    If you’re a socialist and don’t like capitalism, you’re living in the wrong country. America is a capitalist society. If you don’t like it, there are many countries you can move to that share your socialist views. Bigger government isn’t going to solve the problems in our society. Personal responsibility and integrity will.


  58. hhahahaha says:

    hahaha! so many ppl here are gay! its so funny! i send my frends here wen they’re depressed so they can get a good laugh at this! YA’LL SUCK! MIDDLE SCHOOLERS LAUGH AT U! =P!!!! inside joke :You are so STEVE!!!

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