This is an open thread. Post what you like, how you like, and while wearing whatever clothing you like. Self-linking is so welcome, it can even sit in my special chair.
I had my left big toenail removed Monday, a casualty of moving my mom’s desk in bare feet (stupid, stupid, stupid). This is only six months after my right big toenail had to be removed, after accidentally kicking a metal chair. (It’s mostly grown back now.) This has been a terrible year for my toenails. Anyhow, some links:
- Health Care Is Elizabeth Edwards’ Legacy
- Rodger Ebert on living life with no voice.
- 5 Myths About Innate Gender Differences
- CBO Estimates DREAM Act Will Reduce The Deficit By $1.4 Billion Over Ten Years
- Sometimes, Scientists are Furries (with a terrific photo)
- Electronic cigarettes win in court against the FDA
- Sexism in “Stargate Universe”
- Gabrielle Bell explains how she makes her comics. This seems about right to me.
- Very interesting article on why Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine refuses to engage in formal dialogue with Hillel. (Via).
- Jennifer Lee’s webcomic Dicebox gets a deservedly wonderful write-up on io9: “Gender-bending migrant workers of space.”
- Taser breakthrough: 9th circuit rules that police don’t have the right to shoot citizens full of electricity without cause.
- The Story of Hanukkah, in PowerPoint format.
- The Leather Archives & Museum is seeking to compile resources about fetishes that we don’t usually hear about.
- Highlights from TEDWomen Session 2:, Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook, and A Call To Men
- The Unsuccessful Self-Treatment of a Case of “Writers Block” (circa 1974)
- Osamu Tezuka worked really, really, really, really, really, really, really hard. “Tezuka is very likely the hardest working cartoonist of all time. We see him draw two pages in the car on the way to an airport and three pages on the plane ride.”
(TV screencaps via Damn Cool Pics.)
(about forced institutionalisation of a young autistic man in Britain.)
Yes, it is spelled “Sabotage” — just like I spelled it in the title of this post. If you thought it was spelled some other way, you were mistaken. Now, let’s get back to work. How many lights are there?
Oh, I must have been confused by the permalink URL, where it’s spelled wrong. Obviously, a published author of your caliber would never make such an error.
Though if he were ever to become confused, he could remember that the folk (but plausible) etymology for sabotage derives from sabot, the French word for wooden clogs, which disgruntled workers threw into mechanized looms to break the machinery.
I learned the sabo story from Star Trek. If you have a better standard of truth than that, I’d like to hear it. And yes, I’m talking to you, Robert — not that identical looking dude with the goatee.
I hope that’s tongue-in-cheek, nobody.really.
According to the Online Etymological Dictionary, it does derive from “sabot”, and did originally refer to labor disputes, but was almost certainly always metaphorical rather than literal.