Post what you like, as you like it. Self-linking is better than a backrub on a warm afternoon.
Not by me, found on Rosie.tnt and on sexgenderbody.
[spoiler][Image description: A three-panel cartoon of an ornament on a Christmas tree. In the first panel, the ornament, hanging on the tree, says “I’m not a feminist but”; in the second panel the ornament says “just hanging round being decorative is a bit boring”; and in the third panel, the ornament hops off the tree and starts walking away and says “Actually I really am a feminist.”][/spoiler]
Happy holidays!
Anyone here a fan of those old “Pink Panther” cartoons? Or those “Dr. Seuss” specials?
I interviewed an executive producer of those cartoons for a project I’m doing. It’s a 4-part interview.
I like kittens.
Via Andrew Sullivan, reindeer eat hallucinogenic mushrooms and pass on the active ingredients to mankind in their urine – without the toxins that can make eating the mushrooms dangerous.
I got a hardcover copy of Hereville in my stocking. Best present ever!