The Sydney Taylor Book Award is given once a year by the Association of Jewish Libraries for the best Jewish kid’s book. It’s given in three categories: younger readers, older readers, and teen readers.
The AJL blog has just announced the winners, and Hereville is this year’s winner in the “books for older readers” category!
This is the first time a graphic novel has ever won a Sydney Taylor, incidentally. I’m sitting here grinning from ear to ear.
My deepest thanks to the AJL committee — I am honored and thrilled. And moziltov to my fellow winners, Howard Schwartz and Kristina Swarner for their book Gathering Sparks (younger readers), and Dana Reinhardt for her book The Things a Brother Knows (teen readers).
Deutsch will receive the 2011 gold medal in the Sydney Taylor Book Award’s Older Readers Category for Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword, published by Amulet Books, an imprint of Abrams Books. This is the first graphic novel to win the Award. Committee member Aimee Lurie noted, “Mirka is a clever, headstrong and imaginative heroine who will appeal to a wide audience. Teens who feel like they don’t fit in will have no trouble relating to her balancing what is best for her family versus her desire to fight dragons. Grounded in her religious beliefs, she is willing to put her fantasies aside to celebrate Shabbat. The illustrations strike the perfect balance of showing a realistic Orthodox community, while creating the perfect backdrop for a fairytale.” […]
A blog tour, featuring interviews with winning authors and illustrators, will take place in early February, with participation from a wide range of children’s literature, family interest, and Jewish blogs.
What a way to start a Monday morning!
Congratulations. In my opinion, it’s well deserved.
That is fantastic news! Congratulations.
Never was there a more fitting occasion to say this: Mazel tov!
And seconding nm’s well-deserved.
Wonderful news! Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations! Incidentally, Sydney Taylor’s All of a Kind Family books were my introduction to Jewish traditions and culture. I hope that Hereville does the same for my niece. I know I learned a little more from reading my copy. :)
Wait, the award is named after the woman who wrote the All of a Kind Family books? I never remember her name. I loved those books as a kid. That makes me all the pleaseder about it, for some reason.
Very well deserved. Congratulations!