Apologies for posting twice in such quick succession, but I saw this video on Facebook and I just had to post it. It speaks for itself, though I especially appreciated the woman who calls out, “One nation under God, not Allah!”
Frustrated, horrified, frightened, dismayed, disgusted, appalled....
There is something very, very wrong with some people. And I wonder, if they saw this video, what they would make of themselves. Would they still be proud?
I caught that appalling video via Glenn Greenwald … very disturbing.
The screaming protesters were appalling, but in a lot of ways, the politicians with their measured “rational” statements were even worse.
I guess hating the Jews for killing Christ is passe now. Hip Christianist bigots go after Muslims!
Richard, you should put a trigger warning above the video.
This protest happened in the town where I grew up. That place is just fucking horrible. There’s not a single thing to recommend it.
ETA: Also one of the hubs of the Prop 8 campaign, if I remember correctly.
Wow. I have no words for how disgusting their behavior is.