WISELI has a useful list of links (mostly newspaper articles) about the controversy. Not all the links are persistant, alas, but the Boston Globe and Harvard Crimson links all seem to be good.
A good Slate article argues that Summers deserved to be criticized. It also reviews (very briefly) some of the clear evidence that yes, Virginia, discrimination does exist.
PZ Myers, who actually has a science background, comments. Plus he wins my heart by reproducing a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon.
A good post and discussion at Dispatches From the Culture Wars (which I also linked to in my previous post). I disagree with 75% of what was said here. Both Summer’s critics and his defenders need to keep in mind that we don’t really know what Summers said (there is a tape recording, but Summers has refused to release it).
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…
The “Salon article” mentioned in your post is actually at Slate. Other than that, it is, yes, a good article.
[Whoops! Thanks, PDP – I’ve corrected the error. -Amp]