A few Larry Summers related links

  • WISELI has a useful list of links (mostly newspaper articles) about the controversy. Not all the links are persistant, alas, but the Boston Globe and Harvard Crimson links all seem to be good.

  • A good Slate article argues that Summers deserved to be criticized. It also reviews (very briefly) some of the clear evidence that yes, Virginia, discrimination does exist.

  • PZ Myers, who actually has a science background, comments. Plus he wins my heart by reproducing a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon.

  • A good post and discussion at Dispatches From the Culture Wars (which I also linked to in my previous post). I disagree with 75% of what was said here. Both Summer’s critics and his defenders need to keep in mind that we don’t really know what Summers said (there is a tape recording, but Summers has refused to release it).

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One Response to A few Larry Summers related links

  1. PinkDreamPoppies says:

    The “Salon article” mentioned in your post is actually at Slate. Other than that, it is, yes, a good article.

    [Whoops! Thanks, PDP – I’ve corrected the error. -Amp]

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