Doing this is wrong, wrong, wrong. And funny. But wrong.

A liberal prankster volunteers at Jane Corwin for Congress’ phone bank. (Corwin is a Republican.)

“Jesus!” a guy screams at me. “You know, I was thinking about voting for Corwin, but this is too much! You people have called me a dozen times in the last two days! I am sick of it!”

“But Jane Corwin wants to rule over you with an iron fist,” I calmly relay. “Don’t you crave strong leadership?”

“What?!” he balks. “An ‘iron fist’?”

“Yes,” I assure him. “These phone calls are just the beginning. When Jane’s in Congress she will do everything in her power to crush you mentally and physically.

The rest of his report is more defensible, I think. If his report is accurate, then Ms. Corwin’s phone-bankers had to spend a lot of time dodging and weaving on the Medicare issue.

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5 Responses to Doing this is wrong, wrong, wrong. And funny. But wrong.

  1. embergirl says:

    Maybe that prankster is the same person behind this bizarre conservapedia article (trigger warning for fat-shaming and hatred of atheists.)

  2. mythago says:

    The wrong kills the funny for me. It would be one thing if the guy followed his script and just reported back on the horrors of phone banking, but deliberately screwing the people who employ you like this is kind of shitty.

  3. Dianne says:

    It’s definitely wrong, but the overall impression I get from the article is that his behavior actually wasn’t that out of line with what the rest of the volunteers were doing. Given that the phone campaign strategy was “harass them into submission”, I’m not sure he did any real damage. The man in the example was already so frustrated by the multiple call strategy that he was ready to switch his vote away from Corwin before the volunteer even started in on the iron fist thing.

    But still wrong.

  4. Stefan says:

    Maybe that prankster is the same person behind this bizarre conservapedia article

    Every article on Conservapedia is more or less bizarre…have you looked at “Feminism” ?
    (sorry for being off-topic)

  5. Ledasmom says:

    Oh, my – the photos they chose to illustrate that Conservapaedia article – it’s as if they chose the most obvious, most dreadfully cliched image for each bit and just vomited them up there. It’s like a bad local news program threw up on it. A scale! A brain! And, unfortunately, Vox Day!
    I cannot imagine reading that article and deciding that I would rather hang out with Vox Day than P.Z. Myers, that’s for sure.

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