From: Vegans of Color
Sister Vegan needs help finishing her Phd
Sistah Vegan Needs Help to Finish Her PhD from Sistah Vegan on Vimeo.
Has anyone bought her book? Would you to write a review? Drop me a comment please?
In this video I am asking for your help. I would like to finish my PhD and need some help.
Paypal email donation: breezeharper (at) gmail (dot) com.
UPDATE: As of May 31, 2011:
Donated: $880
Needed for completion of goal: $9,120
Deadline: September 2011 (so I Can register for 2011-2012 academic year)
Other creative ways to help would be to buy a personalized signed copy of Sistah Vegan book directly from me if you don’t already have a copy or want to give it as a gift.
Other ways to help at this link and at her blog
Sistah Vegan talks about her dissertation:
Sistah Vegan: On Italy, Whiteness Research, and Being a Vegan Tourist Part II from Sistah Vegan on Vimeo.
Here’s More from Sister Vegan:
“Animals belong in cages”: Normalizing domination in Children’s toys, books and cartoons
“Animals belong in cages”: Normalizing domination in Children’s toys, books and cartoons from Sistah Vegan on Vimeo.
Conserving Land&Water, Unethical Food Choices? Yosemite’s Contradiction
Conserving Land&Water, Unethical Food Choices? Yosemite’s Contradiction from Sistah Vegan on Vimeo.
I spent the last 8 days camping at Yosemite National Park in California with my family. Here is a 10 minute long video about my observations on who Yosemite pays to bring food into the park. I reflect on how the highly processed and packaged “foods” I found in stores and restaurants were completely contradictory to the supposed “conserve water, land, and respect wildlife animals” that the park professes. I have to say that I was really broken-hearted by how the choices that Yosemite makes to support the products of corporate capitalist companies and agri-businesses that are notorious for polluting land, wasting water, disrespecting animals, and causing ill health to the humans in environment ‘outside of clean and pristine Yosemite.’
It was pretty windy when I recorded this so I highly recommend that you listen to this on high WITH EARPHONES. Sorry about that.
Sistah Vegan Needs Revolutionary Black Female Vegan Activists
Sistah Vegan Needs Revolutionary Black Female Vegan Activists from Sistah Vegan on Vimeo.
In this video, I speak of my my call for help to incorporate black female vegans who merge a black feminist/critical race/ vegan consciousness into their social justice activism. If you think you fit the criteria, please send me an email at breezeharper (at) gmail (dot) com . I am looking for critical reflections from black female vegans activists who offer open minded critiques of racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, normative whiteness and speak of how opposition against these ‘isms’ are incorporated into their vegan consciousness and activism.
Intersections: Black female slave vivisection, non-human animal experimentation, and the foundation of Western gynecology
Intersections: Black female slave vivisection, non-human animal experimentation, and the foundation of Western gynecology from Sistah Vegan on Vimeo.
In this video, I speak of how Black female slaves were forced to undergo ‘vivisection’ by Dr. Marion Sims, the ‘father’ of Western gynecology. I also speak of how this fits into colonizing both ‘the other’ (Non-white peoples and nature) and how vivisection on non-human animals today is connected to the interlocking system of oppression and suffering that allowed Dr. Sims to repeatedly cut into black female slave’s vaginas (without anesthesia, remorse, or regret). You can email me at breezeharper (at) gmail (dot) com as well as leave comments on my blog where you can also find this video at wp.me/?pzDsy-gk
Veganism Beyond the white mid-class grammar: Language of the hip hop generation and Supanova Slom
Veganism Beyond the white mid-class grammar: Language of the hip hop generation and Supanova Slom from Sistah Vegan on Vimeo.
In this video I explore the work of African American vegan, anti-corporate kitchen, hip hop conscious, holistic health activist Supa Nova Slom. He is focused on addressing hip hop generation of black and brown folk. I think that his work is great for this demographic, but I also feel strongly that it is necessary for the plethora of white middle class able-bodied ‘post-racial’ vegans who send me messages or come up to me after I give a lecture, claiming that black and brown people aren’t interested in veganism, animal liberation, or holistic health activism.
And more at her Sistah Vegan Blog, Mobile Me
Has anyone bought her book? Would you to write a review? Please contact me in the comments.
Can we help the kickass Sistah Vegan out? — Originally posted at The Angry Black Woman
_Railsea_ by China Mieville has ampersands as part of the story-- both text and symbolism. A genuinely weird surrealist novel.