Frankly, the game itself doesn’t interest me, but I was a little sad to miss out on the ads (I was out seeing “The Life Aquatic”).. But what with this new wacky “internet” technology, I can see all the superbowl ads! (How sad is it that I’m paying an ISP so I can watch commercials?)
Via Pen-Elayne, who particularly recommends the FedEx commercial.
But at least internet access is good for other thigns as well. I regularly buy movie tickets to watch commercials (the Cannes best commercials of the year).
Forget that unimportant crap. How’d you like Zissou?
Thanks Barry! One of the reasons I like the FedEx-Kinko’s one so much is that it accurately nailed the selling points of at least a half dozen other ads debuting that night – it was kind of a pre-emptive meta-strike on the ridiculousness of it all. I mean, how many talking animal ads WERE there anyway?