New to my ever-growing blogroll

  • Pilgrim’s Progress, a well-written “progressive pro-life” blog. And another progressive pro-lifer, LAmom. I try to read pro-life views pretty regularly, and it’s a change to read some pro-lifers who aren’t right-wing on other issues.
  • Bitch, Ph.D. Yet another excellent feminist blog.
  • Sceadugenga. Chock-full of thoughtful lefty goodness.
  • The Washington Note. Intelligent “insiders” blog by a mainstream liberal.
  • Pam’s House Blend. “American. Female. Lesbian. Ethnically diverse. Opinionated. Proud member of the Reality-Based Community.”
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3 Responses to New to my ever-growing blogroll

  1. Caron says:

    Hello Bloggers! I am a second year graduate student at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication in Los Angeles. For my masters thesis project, I am researching the uses and gratifications of bloggers – basically, why people go to blogs: for content gratifications (information/education/learning), social gratifications (interactions/chatting), or process gratifications (search engines/surfing).

    I would really appreciate your assistance with this project. Please take a minute to check out the survey link – It takes less than 2 minutes! And feel free to pass it along to all the bloggers you know and/or post the link on your blogs.

    Thanks so much!

  2. Pam says:

    Many thanks for the blogrolling; right back atcha! :)

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