Like a link, link alike.

By the way, I’m heading back to Oregon later today, and won’t have access to the internet, so posts that have the bad luck to be tagged as “needing approval” by the blog software may end up waiting quite a while. Sorry!

  • Bean gathers quotes both defending and critiquing a recent episode of CSI, in which a thin man was smothered to death by his fat lover. I was lucky enough to miss this episode, but from what’s described, I have to agree with Bean’s thumbs-down conclusion.

  • Via Bean, I see that it’s Women In Blogging Week. The idea is to link to at least one female blogger every day of the week. Is it cheating if I do it retroactively? Including today’s posts, in the past week “Alas” has linked 33 times to blog posts by 24 different women. (In the same period, “Alas” has linked 17 times to blog posts by 10 different men).

  • You should check out this series of posts by Kip (with more to come?) considering how he came to realize that homosexuality existed: here and here and here. Plus, Jed Hartman contributes a sharp observation about homosexuality in science fiction.

  • Owners of a private health club in New York have kicked out a woman because she’s lesbian – even though she needs to use the health center to avoid losing a leg. Lovely. The ACLU is suing, based on a relatively new New York law banning anti-gay discrimination. Julien’s List has the story.

  • Trey at Daddy, Poppa and Me, bouncing off of Galios, argues that sexual orientation discrimination is another form of sex discrimination.

  • Fred at Stone Court, bouncing off the “mother drive by” idea, discusses father drive bys.

  • Trish Wilson is discussing mother drive bys, too.

  • Third Wave Agenda has some funny/terrifying quotes from actual abstinence-only “educational” materials.

  • Exellent post at (the award-winning!) Mouse Words discussing the Death Penalty, the recent Supreme Court opinion, and what world opinion means to liberals.

  • Bitch PhD, talking about the same Supreme Court case, critiques Justice Scalia’s lame-ass analogy between teens convicted of murder and teens who get abortions. Via Feministe.

  • Wonderful, furious post at One Good Thing looks at how (some) adults try to punish creative writing in high school, then and now. Via Pen-Elayne.

  • Aaron Swartz deftly satarizes the idea that if Republicans aren’t as prevalent among professors as they are in the general population, that’s proof of discrimination. Via Media Girl.

  • Check out this exchange on Family Scholars Blog, between men’s rights activist and radio show host Glenn Sacks and kick-ass feminist Elizabeth Kates, regarding if custodial parents have the right to move out-of-state.

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