Amanda at Mouse Words discusses the tendency for guys being pissed off at women they hit on unsuccessfully – and the bizarre tendency of other folks to validate these guys’ anger.
Bean, who probably knows more about woman-battering than anyone else in the blogoverse, discusses why women stay with batterers.
Also on Bean’s blog, check out this not-comprehensive-but-still-damned-extensive list of feminist magazines.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a pro-Palestinian-rights American activist trying to get into Israel, against the Israeli government’s wishes? Well, then, you should read this fascinating blog post. Brrrr. Via Jews san frontieres.
Two things Sarahlynn likes about being fat. (Okay, Sarahlynn said “overweight,” but I like the word “fat” better, politically.)
Media Girl discusses the class warfare inherent in bankruptcy “reform.” She also links to this rightfully pissed off Daily Kos post listing some of the humane and decent amendments to the “reform” that Republicans shot down.
Speaking of Republican humanitarianism, the Washington Post reports that the Bush administration has been lying about research on needle exchange programs, in order to justify defunding those programs. I guess they feel that needless deaths of drug addicts are justified if the result might save some rich people a few dollars come tax time. Via Drug WarRant.
In the pro-life imagination, doctors who provide abortion are cold-hearted mercenaries motivated by a combination of baby-hatred and greed. Boston Magazine provides a well-written reality check. Via Third Wave Agenda.
There’s no question that in an ideal world, teens considering abortion or childbirth would always consult with their parents. But this world isn’t ideal, and ham-handed attempts to use legislation to force girls in unideal circumstances to report to their parents can carry incredibly harmful consequences. Third Wave Agenda has some real-life parental-consent horror stories to consider.
Activists are arguing that women around the world are worse off now than they were ten years ago, according to this AP article quoted on Trish Wilson’s blog.
What She Says! has added a list of conservative women bloggers, thanks to Lesley from Plum Crazy. Neat!
TZ at Heart of Canada discusses groupthink among leading bloggers: “I read Instapundit, sometimes, Vodkapundit a little more often, and I occasionally glance around the beltway. What stands out about most of the higher beings in the ecosystem, in my opinion, is their striking lack of originality in writing. Many operate on a “cool links” basis, pointing to the interesting novelty item or hot news story of the day.”
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…
Ha ha on the last one. :p
Also, what if I’m bad at math? And what’s with the hostility against people bringing their own alcoholic beverages? I must have missed that joke.
Mr. Ampersand – the link for the article on needle exchange is wonky… i went a-searching at MediaGirl but was unable to track it down
if you still have the original link, please re-post it! it sounds a good article & i’m definitely interested in reading it.
good stuff on needle exchange can be found here, if any of y’all are interested
[Jam – thanks for pointing out my mess-up! I’ve made the correction. -Amp]
Mr. Ampersand, you repaired that link just in time for me to pass that editorial onto my colleague who is right now giving a lecture at a Amherst College about needle exchange (“Moralizing Microbes”) – he was very appreciative
and so am i. thanks much!
and let me just add a big D’OH! now i see why i couldn’t find it at MediaGirl…. oy.
by the way, there was a similar positive editorial concerning needle exchange in the NYTimes recently too:
Ideology & AIDS
Thanks for the link, Barry.
I’ve noticed that the Higher Beings in the blogosphere tend to blog about the same things to the point that they are redundant. Plus they tend to link primarily to each other, which feeds that lack of originality. That’s one reason I like B-list blogs – more variety about the same subjects as well as discussions of issues outside the narrow sphere of the Higher Being blogs.
I think your last point is spot on. Links can be all fun and stuff when it’s about gadgets. I love to Boing. But some “top” blogs just drive me nuts, with 20 little 2-line posts that express no thoughts or views, just links. “Oh, I saw this.” Going by my own experience, I know what it’s like to have popularity way out of proportion with one’s actual contribution to the zeitgeist. But at least I try to say something. Heck, that’s the fun of it! If I want to just post a link, I put it in my blogroll or del.icio.us or furl. Isn’ t that what they’re there for? Sheesh!