Men pose to show women’s hidden wounds – Photo Galleries Hürriyet Daily News (Turkish Daily News)

This is a great photo gallery of Turkish men–all of them, as far as I can tell, public figures in one way or another–protesting the treatment of women in their country. Below is the first image in the series, of politician Gürsel Tekin, which is accompanied by this text: “Forty-nine percent of women are exposed to violence, 48 percent do not speak up, while 44.1 percent of working women and 41.1 percent of unemployed women are victims of violent acts. One of every 10 women who conceive at least once is beaten during the pregnancy. ‘This year in the southeastern province of Adıyaman, a 16-year-old girl was buried alive by her family and died in the honor killing. I will never forget her drama. This is not a part of religion, conscience or humanity. Our women are massacred under the guise of honor killings. And if they are not murdered, they live in hell because of violence from their husbands every day,’ [says Tekin].”


Cross posted on It’s All Connected.

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4 Responses to Men pose to show women’s hidden wounds – Photo Galleries Hürriyet Daily News (Turkish Daily News)

  1. Simple Truth says:

    Thanks for sharing, Richard. I’m happy to see something like this brought to attention.

  2. Stefan says:

    Nice job.

  3. Excellent article. Thanks.

  4. Susan says:

    This is so fabulous, thank you, and thank you to the Turkish men who stood up for what is right.

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