*The Gimp Parade is an excellent, passionate and nicely-written disabled-rights activist blog. I would have blogrolled this ages ago, but it didn’t update all that often; happily, BlueLily seems to be updating more nowadays.
* Majikthise kicks ass.
*The Gimp Parade is an excellent, passionate and nicely-written disabled-rights activist blog. I would have blogrolled this ages ago, but it didn’t update all that often; happily, BlueLily seems to be updating more nowadays.
* Majikthise kicks ass.
Fine choices both. I started reading Majikthise after she started guest-blogging at Pandagon, and have been quite pleased.
I suggested Majikthise in a comment thread here months ago. I’m glad to see she’s begining to get the recognition she deserves.
Thanks for the compliments, Amp. And adding me to your list. :)
I’m not sure whether this would go in your “to Amp’s right” or your “even further to the right” section, but if I may make a recommendation, check out Foreign Dispatches, by Abiola Lapite. He’s a sorta libertarian type whom I usually recommend on “added to my blogroll” threads, since very few people seem to blogroll him. He can be a bit irritating, but he seems to be really smart (and he wants everyone to know it too).