Star Wars And Women

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7 Responses to Star Wars And Women

  1. 1
    Kevin Moore says:

    IMHO, Leia is still a great character. But Lucas is a crappy writer. It’s not her fault the slave girls died, because Lucas is the one who forgot about them in his jones for another explosion.

  2. 2
    Danny says:

    Actually Leia was my second answer after Han (I’ve been a fan of Star Wars long enough to know that I am too emotional to be a jedi, well that and I would actually use my telekinetic powers to kill more people than I would with light saber, force lightening, and force choking combined). Badass rebel fighter that single handedly killed one of most vile gangsters in the galaxy? Hell yeah.

    Took rounds of torture from Imperial torture droids and didn’t give up the location any Rebel bases.

    Basically called Han’s pride and joy Millennium Falcon a piece of shit the first time they met (“You can in that thing? You’re braver than I thought.”).

    Snuck in Jaba’s Palace (she got caught but still gutsy move).

    Didn’t fall for Han’s rogue charm but instead actually fell in love with him later.

    In the expanded universe novels she becomes a major political figure after the head of New Republic Senate at the time (Mon Mothma) is nearly assassinated.

    And on the real after being captured in Episode 4 she rolls up on Grand Moff Tarkin and told him he stunk and basically called Darth-Fucking-Vader a dog.

  3. 3
    Nancy Lebovitz says:

    “Secretly terrifying”…. well, it’s Cracked. I’m not sure I want to catch them slack for that. I’m not in the mood to be told what I’m supposed to be afraid of. Or that other people are experts on my subconscious.

    I saw the movies when they were new. While I felt a mild distaste at the harem girl/Hutt scene and didn’t especially want to be Leia, I found a good bit to like in the first three movies.

  4. 4
    AMM says:

    I still don’t understand Cracked’s title (Why ‘Star Wars’ is secretly terrifying for women), but I have to admit, I didn’t sit through the whole video. I just got too nauseated at the way the boys (I won’t call them men) present just kept elbowing the one woman out of the conversation every time she opened her mouth.

    Given the sheer anviliciousness of their behavior, I assume that Cracked was trying to make a point, but I never saw what it had to do with the content of Star Wars or where the word “terrifying” came from. If anything, they demonstrated how Star Wars fans were repellent (not terrifying) to women.

    And the comments in this thread also don’t suggest how the word “terrifying” might apply, either.

    Did I miss something?

  5. 5
    CaitieCat says:

    Yeah, terrifying isn’t the word I’d reach for.

    Disappointing? Absolutely. I liked the movies, but I don’t ever pretend they weren’t basically one long sausagefest. :/

  6. 6
    David Schraub says:

    All the titles are nonsense and should be ignored — particularly since the After Hours series is hilarious and focusing on the title’s distracts from it.

  7. 7
    Jeremy says:

    The character I like the most growing up was Darth Vader. He had cool looking suit, impressive voice, red lightsaber (red is my favorite color), and song whenever he entered the room.

    As for Leia, (I have to admit as young boy Leia and her slave outfit was the first time I remember being attracted to a woman) she and her brother were not captured by Jaba the Hutt. They walked into his place knowing they would get caught. Luke and Leia were never in Jaba’s trap he was in theirs.