Angry string cheese!

My very excellent studio-mate Kristin was annoyed that her string cheese snacks had been disappearing from the studio fridge. (As it turned out, there was a genuine misunderstanding going on about who owned the cheese.) Since Kris isn’t often here at the same time as everyone else, she grabbed her red marker and left some messages to set the evil cheese thief quaking in fear:

(Description of image: Photo of a row of individually-wrapped string cheese snacks. On each snack, a short message is written in red marker. The messages are: “Is your name KRIS?,” “I bite back!,” “POISON,” “Price: $800,” “Not tasty,” “Eat at Your Own Risk,” “Grrrrrrrr…,” something that I can’t make out at all, and finally, “I know where you work.”)

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10 Responses to Angry string cheese!

  1. Pseudony Mousie says:

    I follow Passive Aggressive Notes as well as Alas, A Blog, and I assumed this was from that feed. Was very surprised to see your background when I clicked the link.

    Also I like to consider them one unified poem-like message: “an $800 dose of not-tasty poison that bites back, etc”

  2. speedbudget says:

    This is a real thing in the world.

    I bet there is something similar for other tasty fridge snacks.

  3. chingona says:

    String cheese is expensive! I would be pissed if someone was eating my string cheese. My work kitchen problem is that people keep stealing my bowls. I bring in a bowl from home to eat from and within a week … the bowl is gone. Third one at this point. Grrrr…

  4. K__ says:

    I would just like to say that I misread a sentence as saying, “Queefing in fear,” rather than “quaking.”

    And also that the one time I accidentally stole a co-worker’s slim-fast drink and If felt so bad I gave her one of mine the next day. Got the flavors mixed up.

  5. Jackie says:

    The one who steals the cheese, shall stand alone.

  6. Kevin Moore says:

    Angry string cheese – a band, a superhero parody, or both.

  7. Elusis says:

    My very excellent studio-mate Kristin was annoyed that her string cheese snacks had been disappearing from the studio fridge. (As it turned out, there was a genuine misunderstanding going on about who owned the cheese.)

    … It was you, wasn’t it Amp?

    It’s OK, you can come clean.

  8. Denise says:

    Pretty sure that 2nd to last one says “F*! off” with some marker having rubbed off on it from the bottom one.

  9. Helen says:

    And here I was thinking that “Who moved my cheese?” was meant to be metaphorical.

  10. Pingback: » Angry string cheese! :: They Come With Cheese

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