Hereville 2 Work-In-Progress: Dress Design

Mirka wears the same dress for the first 45 pages of the graphic novel (although — spoiler alert! — by page 45 the dress will be torn and filthy). Unlike last time, where I just drew a dress on the first page and then had to repeat it, this time I’m trying to figure out what the dress looks like before I start drawing.

(Click on the image to see it bigger.)

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11 Responses to Hereville 2 Work-In-Progress: Dress Design

  1. CaitieCat says:

    I like the third one (from the left) best – for me, it suits Mirka best.

  2. Lonespark says:

    I like the two in the middle.

  3. Jodie says:

    In the first and last picture, the skirts are too narrow to allow for movement like running or striding. The middle two skirts are better choices.

    As far as aethetics, I like the second picture; the print dress with the white apron allows Mirka’s facial expressions to be the focus without the distraction of too much print or the boringness of too much white (the collar, though, I don’t like; it interferes with the clean lines of the design). I actually prefer the way the first picture’s apron has the square top and no collar.

  4. Kevin Moore says:

    I like the second. But then, I like them all. Is she allowed to wear more than one? Or is there some religious/cultural restriction?

  5. Ampersand says:

    Kevin, of course she can wear more than one! :-p But the first 45 pages is essentially a single day, so she’s only wearing one dress during those pages.

  6. nm says:

    How old is she in this comic? I think #4 may be too grown up for her. And if her community is so haredi they’re Yiddish-speaking, I think she shouldn’t have a belt.

  7. Ampersand says:

    Thanks, NM!

    Mirka’s 11 years old, although she’s a young-looking 11. I agree, #4 isn’t right for her, although it might work if I switch the pattern to her sleeves instead of on the dress.

    And you’re right, the separate belt does seem a little old, although the slightly gathered waste built-in to the dress, and the attached knot-tie thing, are things I’ve seen very frum girls wear. (As an artist, part of my concern is that it’s much easier to draw the dress and have it be nice-looking if there’s some sort of break in it creating a waistline.)

  8. nm says:

    Oh, yeah, the knot-tie thingy is fine. The girls these days seem to be wearing lots of layers. I say use the color/print combination from #4 with the outfit from #2, but without the turn-down collar. There’s nothing wrong with the turn-down collar, I just don’t like the way it looks.

  9. Emily says:

    Now I want Mirka paper dolls. I like the second best also.

  10. Ampersand says:

    If I ever make Mirka paper dolls, the temptation to include a Yentl drag outfit will probably be irresistible.

  11. Shoshie says:

    Amp, if you do that, I will buy a million of them for me and all my friends.

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