Guard at Family Research Council Shot and Injured

This is horrifying. From The Washington Post:

A security guard at the Family Research Council was shot and wounded Wednesday morning after a scuffle with a man who expressed disagreement with the group’s conservative views in the lobby of the group’s headquarters in downtown Washington, authorities said. […]

The guard and others wrestled the man to the ground, disarmed him and waited for police, she said. The guard was then taken to the hospital and is in stable condition, the chief said. FBI officials said the guard was shot in the arm. […]

A law enforcement official said at one point in the scuffle, the shooter expressed views that differed from those of the Family Research Council. The official also said the shooter was carrying a bag that had a Chick-Fil-A bag inside.

My three comments:

1) I’m so happy the guard, Leo Johnson, was not killed. “Happy” is too weak a word. I know all of us will be hoping (atheists) or praying (theists) for Leo Johnson’s swift recovery.

2) At this moment it looks as if the shooter, 28-year-old Floyd Corkins, was motivated by his opposition to FRC’s anti-gay politics. It’s very disturbing to me to think of how much my own views probably overlap with Corkins’.

3) This reminds me of the importance of not demonizing those who disagree with us, not even on issues we’re the most passionate about.

Lately, I’ve been thinking that that is really the reason to practice civil debate; not to change minds or score points, but so that all of us have a context in which we have to address those we disagree with, and sometimes those we are furious at, with the respect due to them as fellow human beings.

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5 Responses to Guard at Family Research Council Shot and Injured

  1. mythago says:

    I agree. And the security guard is a hero, for stopping this person from getting into the building and hurting anyone else.

  2. Copyleft says:

    Violence is never the answer. Relentless mockery is the answer.

  3. CaitieCat says:

    Indeed, bravo and sympathy to Mr. Johnson, and hopes he will recover well. Very impressed with his bravery and effectiveness in defending his charges, and I’m glad he was there to do so. I don’t like what FRC does, at all, but this is in no way the answer.

    Disgust and mockery for Mr. Corkins. You’re not helping, sir. You may, in fact, misunderstand the concept of progressivism, if you think it involves killing people who (granted, rudely and with lots of money) behave in a bigoted way. You might find a more congenial home in some movement that doesn’t eschew violence and violent rhetoric.

    For shame. Sad that your life will now face wasted time in some prison, instead of working for the betterment of society, such as by opposing the FRC through legal and peaceful means.

  4. RonF says:

    Kudos to you all for your attitudes in this matter. It’s what I expected here, but it’s still good to hear.

    3) This reminds me of the importance of not demonizing those who disagree with us, not even on issues we’re the most passionate about.

    When a Democratic politician or liberal organization is subject to such an attack the MSM bends over backwards to immediately place the blame on the right on this basis. There’s plenty of examples, but the shootings in Aurora where a rreporter tried to drag the Tea Party into them on the basis that someone with the shooter’s name was featured as a leader on a local Tea Party web site (the guy started getting death threats!). Where, then, is the firestorm in the MSM about how this is the result of the left having done the same? Especially since there’s solid testimony that the shooter specifically targeted them on the basis of their activism?

    Or does the MSM only demonize the right and not the left? Tell me again the MSM is not biased ….

    Violence is never the answer. Relentless mockery is the answer.


  5. Doug S. says:

    Love and tolerate the shit out of them.

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