- Bitch, PhD discusses white privilege and the denial of racism.
- Echidne reports that when Governor Arnold recently made a big deal of personally filling a pot hole, the hole he filled had been created by city workers only that morning.
- This post at Did You Know, about an everyday encounter with racism, made Trish’s day, and then it made my day, too. Trust me, go read it.
- Amanda is bugged by this article at Salon about asexuals. I tend towards asexuality myself, and everything Amanda said is correct; yet someone I wasn’t as annoyed as Amanda was. Go figure.
- “The producers of TV’s Desperate Housewives have reportedly spent thousands of dollars digitally removing the nipples from on-screen images of actresses Teri Hatcher and Nicolette Sheridan.” Echidne has some comments.
- New on the Blogroll: The Walloper totally rocks. Lots of very smart arguments there, both feminist and progressive. Go check it out.
- Both The Walloper and Shelzebub at XX comment further on NARAL’s endorsement of Lincoln Chafee.
- LAmom calls, rightly, for more pregnancy equality. “Pregnancy is not a disease. Pregnancy is a normal human state. Any setting that accommodates people should be able to accommodate pregnant people and their needs.”
- Hey, you’ve heard of Billy Murray, right? No, not that one – Billy Murray the singer. This web page has a great collection of old 78rpm popular songs recorded in the early 20th century, some of which are great.
- Dykes2WatchOut4 quotes an interesting editorial by Cameron Lee arguing that “lesbians as lesbians have virtually no role in public culture.” I wonder if the author isn’t exaggerating how good gay men have it, but nonetheless she makes some good points. Thanks to “Alas” reader Josh for the tip.
- Live Flower Cam! Yes, that’s right – the University of Wisconsin has a live cam of a flower, in case you find watching vegetation not visibly move entertaining. But actually, it’s a pretty neat flower – for one thing, if it manages to grow another seven inches (currently it’s eight foot four inches tall), it’ll set a new world’s record. The flower, called a titan arums or “corpse flower,” apparently has a terrible smell – hence the name? – which is one reason to prefer watching it bloom via the web, I suppose. It’ll probably bloom in the next week or so. Via Althouse.
- The Sideshow asks why Tom Friedman – like so many globalization advocates – is positively drooling at the prospect of longer work hours for lower wages in Europe. What’s it called when you hope other people suffer just to prove you intellectually correct? Oh, now I remember – being an asshole, that’s what it’s called.
- Penis Closes Florida Highway, Causes Terror Alert. (Hey, wow, I guess they really are that powerful!)
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…
Er, the LJ community for Dykes to watch out was where the link came fromt. My fault for not being clear when I sent you that. It’s actualy some person I don’t know posting to a livejournal community (something line a bulletin board).
I was bugged because they were more interested in digging up psychologists who were quick to say asexuality is psychological problem than look at what I thought were the more interesting issues. Asexuality, especially if one suddenly become uninterested in sex, might be a physical problem for some people, but I am loath to call something a psychological problem if it has no ill effects on the person who has it.
Amanda – That wasn’t meant as a criticism of you; as I said, I think you’re absolutely correct. I was just surprised that I wasn’t annoyed when I read the article; it was only later, when I read your blog post, that I realized how annoying it should have been.
Thanks for the props, Ampersand. I have missed visiting this site due to work pressures and triple blogging. They are over now so here I am!
OT: I just saw a business with the name of Ampersand: Creative Solutions. You should sue them right away.
Another good link, if you don’t mind, is “Invisible Women: Poor Female Artisans In Pakistan”
just for the record, watching the plant grow when it’s dark! … wow.
Oh, I didn’t think you were criticizing me. I was just clarifying my stance, mostly for your readers here.
Thanks for the link, Barry. That story truly made my day. I look forward to seeing something like that happen at the Starbucks I go to. ;)