Two Recommended New Blogs In The Wake Of The Good Men Project’s Fail

Just wanted to link to them:

The Bad Men Project, a new blog by Figleaf of Figleaf’s Real Adult Sex.

And Ozy Frantz’s Blog, by Ozy, formerly of No Really What About The Menz.

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9 Responses to Two Recommended New Blogs In The Wake Of The Good Men Project’s Fail

  1. 1
    Ben Lehman says:

    I like the name “the bad men project.” I’m pretty bad at masculinity, and don’t really care to get better at it.

  2. 2
    Hugh says:

    I’m saddened by the demise of No Seriously. Whatever its faults, it was certainly trying to achieve a worthwhile goal.

    While Ozy’s new blog won’t be tainted by association with the Good Men Project, it seems it’s now just whatever Ozy feels like talking about, and will have more personal content (Ozy’s sex life, Ozy’s new year’s resolutions, Ozy’s experiences) and less discussion of men’s issues.

  3. 3
    Ben Lehman says:

    Actually, forget anything positive I said about “the bad men project.” It’s off to an amazingly inauspicious start.


  4. 4
    Tamen says:

    I have to agree with Ben. Apparently I have to “prove” my credentials on fighting male-on-female rape before I can expect to be taken seriously when I talk about my rape or of female-on-male rape in general.

    I take people who talks about preventing rape in any forms seriously – me pointing out to them that they might also want to include male victims and female perpetrators is a testament to taking them serious. I expect to be taken seriously in these matter since rape in all it’s forms is a serious subject. If someone doesn’t take me serious when I talk about rape I’ll know that they don’t consider rape serious. I should point out that disagreeing with me does not automatically amount to not taking me seriously.

    I won’t rant more here, but I’ve left a longer comment on that post on The Bad Men Project.

    Edited to add the word more since I realized that this in fact became a rant.

  5. 5
    AMM says:

    Tamen @4

    Apparently I have to “prove” my credentials on fighting male-on-female rape before I can expect to be taken seriously when I talk about my rape or of female-on-male rape in general.

    I assume you’re talking about this:

    I think I get his intended point: almost every time rape of men is brought up in blog discussions, it is brought up during a discussion of male-on-female rape and mostly by people who are clearly trying to derail the discussion.

    However, the way he wrote it did rub me the wrong way. As do pretty much all of his writings, both on BMP and his usual blog. Whatever his conscious intent, the tone of his writings comes across as too alpha-male-wannabee for my taste. And I haven’t figured out any interpretation for the name (BMP) that doesn’t sound like trying to out-douche the douches. I don’t think I’ll add it to my “bookmarks.”

    Ozy Frantz’s blog, on the other hand, had me hooked from day 1. (Is the blogger who used to go by the name “Ozymandius”?)

    BTW, I haven’t read any of the comments on BMP because they don’t show up with my normal browser settings (incl. javascript off) and I can’t be bothered to spend a day fiddling with browser settings and alternate browsers in the hopes that I’ll hit upon something that works.

  6. 6
    Tamen says:

    AMM: That was the one I was talking about.

    Ozy Frantz is the blogger who also goes by the handle Ozymandias42.

  7. 7
    ballgame says:

    Amp, in light of the exchange I had with figleaf regarding the NSIVS findings — and in particular, his final refusal to correct a major error in his post which he himself acknowledges is an error — I’m wondering if you’re standing by your recommendation of figleaf’s new blog.

  8. 8
    Ampersand says:

    Ballgame, I’ll stand by my recommendation. I’ve been a fan of Figleaf’s writing for years; I don’t have to agree with every single statement or post he makes, since I’m recommending him based on his high batting average over time.

  9. Pingback: Figleaf’s Fail (NoH) | Feminist Critics